Friday, August 18, 2017

well that's a fine how do you do

Wednesday when I went to use my computer it said it was restarting. No biggie. I waited a bit but since I already had a post scheduled I got tired of waiting and went about my business. Yesterday I go up to do a post and it's still sitting there doing the same thing. I pulled the plug then turned it back on. As I type this it's saying installing updated do not shut down your computer.  Oops!

So now I'm hoping it updates everything ok and maybe tomorrow you'll get the post I was planning on today

How about an extreme blast from the past today

 Don't worry Gibbs said it was ok to post Duke so long if I used an old picture of him for the big finish

For the record  I don't like trying to  do a post from my tablet. It's a bit frustrating


Ginny Hartzler said...

Two real cuties! So your computer problem worked to our advantage!

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwwwwww, they both melt my heart.

Hope your computer 'updating' is over and everything works. I swear, it's so frustrating. I updated all my software on my cellphone the other day and now it's all screwed up, and I had to do a factory reset. Which some photos disappeared. I backed it up, but still they disappeared [or I'm not looking in the right place]. Yet, today, I will have to set up my contact list of those that didn't get copied doing the factory reset.

I HATE updates!!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love both pics, and I miss sweet Duke's face so am glad to see it again. this windows updating thing is out of hand, sometimes it takes for ever.. and then after it finally finishes things don't work well. if you have problems after and update, be sure to do a restart before you panic. I really hate windows but unless someone gives me an Apple product I am stuck.
to blog from a tablet, you go to google play and download Blog Touch, just search for blogging app for blospot... I thin that is the name, I found it for JP and her ipad. it needs an app to work right. easy download she said

Grace said...

I hate doing anything on my iPad even with a regular keyboard! Oh that old devil microsoft - I dumped it years ago - happiest day of my life. (And such great photos - nice way to start my day.)

Dr Sonia S V said...

What a treat to see both Gibbs and Duke

Lin said...

Awww....Duke! I miss the old guy. :(

Trying to do anything on the phone or Ipad makes my head hurt. I will stick to my desktop. I hope yours is "updated" soon!

Sandee said...

I hope your computer will be okay. I've never interrupted updates and I'm waiting to see what, if anything, happens to you.

Awww on Duke. You know I loved that little guy. I love Gibbs too and you can tell him I said so.

Have a fabulous day and enjoy your day off tomorrow. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

I've thought of Duke and his swimming pool quite a few times this summer. He sure is missed! We love Gibbs too though! Hope your computer is okay!

bichonpawz said...

Ohhhh! You know how much I adore seeing pics of both Duke AND Gibbs!! I don't mind blogging from my iPad at all...I use BlogTouchPro from the App Store and my portable Apple Keyboard and it makes it easy! The ONLY thing I have not been able to do on my ipad are some of the accounting forms sent to me by companies. I would be lost without it! I can't remember if you have an iPad or a Kindle. I have found that my Kindle Fire is not even close to the iPad in terms of productivity. The whole Android system and I do not get along. :(. There is probably an app available that will allow you to blog on the Kindle too though.

I sure hope you get your computer problems fixed. I had a similar problem when I didn't realize it was updating in the background and I shut the laptop down. It came back up the next day though...just took a while!

Good problems are the absolute worst!!

Out on the prairie said...

You know I hate it when these machines don't work right for me.The things I have said to them may be shocking.

Pam said...

What a cutie! Sorry for the computer issues. They are amazing when they work great but a pain when they don't.

Rick (Ratty) said...

Sometimes those updates can be a huge pain. But it's good to see Duke again.

Deb said...

Eeeks, hope it is OK Ann! Love seeing Duke and Gibbs was very gracious to share his spotlight ;O) And I agree, working on Blogger from a tablet is next to impossible, you'd think a tech giant like Google would have a more mobile friendly platform! Deb xo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Every once in awhile I will catch my computer doing that. Now I sit and make sure it does its job and turns off. I love Gibbs, tell him that. I have a heart for Westies, we have had a few and our daughter has one.

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