Tuesday, October 10, 2017

I don't have a title

It's hard to come up with a title for a blog post when you have absolutely no idea what you're going to write about. I have a picture though so at least there's that.

The color has faded from the hydrangea blooms but they hang on enjoying every last warm day there is left before the weather turns.

I had another day off where I couldn't get myself to do much of anything. I've been wanting to work on some craft projects. I have at least 4 different ones started. Every time I think I'll work on one I decide I reall am not in the mood for it. I thought maybe it was because my craft room was such a mess so I thought I would work on cleaning that up. I got about a 1/4 of the way through it and decided I really didn't feel like doing that either. This dry spell has to end soon.

As for yesterdays post, yes something is on my mind but it's not the kind of thing that I want to put on my blog. It's not work, medical or anything right here at home. I'll get past it but for now it's weighing heavy.

This is getting to be too much of a woe is me post so I'll leave you with that and be back tomorrow.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I would have named this blog "Faded". And the slightly pastel faded look makes it look so Victorian, don't you think? I sure hope whatever is bugging you will be solved soon, I bet the worry is draining your energy. Mental stress can be worse than physical. So sorry.

Anonymous said...

I love the look of spent blooms on my hydrangeas, although your appear much darker...:)JP

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I love the look of the faded hydrangea blooms. Very soft and muted colors. I’ve been trying to get to the Sweet lamb ornaments that you kindly shared with me. Barely started and the project sits they’re calling for my attention.

Hope those things fall into place for you real soon! Hugs sweet friend :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is hard to do anything at all when something is ON YOUR MIND.. I know that, it has happened to me, it is like the thing on the mind shuts down the creative process and the what to do is gone... it will come back and this flower is beautiful. Faded Glory might work. or even I don't have a title Brahahaha

Sandee said...

I love spring when all the beautiful colors burst to life. I'm not a fan of winter. Not one bit. We don't have much of a winter here, but I still don't care for winter.

I hope whatever is weighing on you will pass soon.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...


Connie said...

Ann, your hydrangea is beautiful. Have you ever dried them; I've heard that it is easy and they make gorgeous bouquets and wreaths. Here's wishing you a day that turns from hard and heavy to bright and cheerful. God bless you sweet friend.
Connie :)

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Sending you hugs and hope things turn around soon - whatever it is.

You know that song ... don't worry be happy ... so...... be happy!

Lin said...

Hang tough, Ann! I hope tomorrow is a better day and whatever is getting you down goes away.

I love your hydrangea photo. I love those blooms at every stage--they are so dramatic.

Ida said...

I like the faded color. Hope whatever is going on is resolved soon.

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