Tuesday, October 17, 2017

I haven't done this in a while

Remember way back when awards were circulating throughout the blogging community? They were fun to receive but I got to a point where I would forget to post about them and then feel guilty for not following through.

Just the other day I had one come my way from Joan at My quality day. Joan is a long time blog friend who I met through Entrecard. She's an amazing woman and so far I don't think there's anything she can't do. Not only do I thank her for thinking of me but I thank her for giving me a subject for a blog post. The well has run dry here.

So the award is the Liebster award
"Liebster" is a German word meaning beloved or dearest. It is an online recognition in form of virtual award which started in 2011 passed on by bloggers to fellow bloggers for enjoying and valuing their work. The idea is to recognize the effort and give credit.

So, here are the terms of the award. 

The Liebster Award is received by writing an acceptance post. The rules for accepting the award are straightforward:

Thank the person who nominated you.
Answer the 11 questions you were asked.
Nominate 11 people and ask them 11 questions.
Notify each of the nominees on their blog.

Here are the 11 questions. 

1. What prompted you to begin blogging? 
I started this blog on October 9, 2008. My original thought was to showcase the digital scrapbooking I was making as well as photo editing. My original intentions were to work my way in to designing for digital scrapbooking shops. However I soon discovered that it really wasn't for me. 

2. Which language would you like to learn? 
Well considering the fact that there are days when I have trouble with the english language I probably shouldn't attempt to learn any new ones. I did take spanish in school though so that would most likely be the one I would attempt to learn

3. What was your favorite experience in the past six months? 
I haven't done much of anything in the past 6 months but I suppose doing the craft show in August was a pretty good experience.

4. What one location in the world you would like to visit? 
I don't know that I can just choose one location. How about if I say that I want to visit EVERY location in the world that is warm

5. Do you have pets? 
You already know the answer to this one. I'm owned but one not so well behaved Yorkie Cavalier mix

6. What is the strangest food you have ever eaten?
I don't really know if I've ever eaten anything that would be considered strange. When I was growing up though my dad had me hooked on peanut butter and cucumber sandwiches

7. What is your biggest struggle while writing?
Since I don't consider myself a writer this is hard to answer. I never have been able to write well in my opinion. I've been told though, that I write like I talk. When I write though, I tend to not do so well with punctuation

8. Who would you like to receive a week of training/mentorship from?
I'm fascinated by Tim Holtz products and his work. I would definitely enjoy a week of learning from him

9. What is the first thing you drink in the morning? 
When I was younger I used to get up and start the day off with a pepsi. Then I moved on to orange juice. These days I want my coffee.

10. How many books do you read per month? 
I really have no idea. I'm going to say at least 3 maybe more. I've never really kept track and I do all my reading on a kindle so I don't even have the actual books to count

11. What was your favorite time of year when you were growing up? 
.I always loved all the seasons and to some extent I still do. I love to see the seasons change I just wish that winter didn't last so long

OK so now comes the part where I break the rules. I'm not going to nominate anyone to receive this award. All of you who stop by here and leave me comments on a regular basis are the dearest people I know. If you want it, the award is yours. If not, that's OK too. 


Silver in AZ said...

Gosh, I have't seen awards like this in a while. I remember back when one would stack them up in their side bar. :) Congrats on getting this one!

Anonymous said...

You and I both started blogging about the same time. The cucumber/peanut butter sandwich is unique - John eats potato chips on his pnut butter sandwich. Hope you have a good day.

Sharkbytes said...

OK, I'm a peanut butter junkie, but I've never done a sandwich with cucumbers! Pickles, yes, but not "raw" ones!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I started about the same time as you and totally refused to do the awards thing when it all started and was glad when it stopped. I think anyone who does a blog deserves and award for even trying. and I find we all like different types. I love yours because I love YOU... and fell in love with Duke when we first started.
I eat peanut butter and tomato sandwiches, have not done the cucumber though.
I love whichever season has the 65 at wake up to 78 for high.
I would like to go to Jackson Hole or ride the western train that shows all the places cowboys lived.
I need to learn Spanish because half the people here speak that laungae.

Marg said...

Well done Ann, and congrats on the award. We don't do awards either. It was fun hearing all your answers to the questions. You have a great day.

Out on the prairie said...

It was fun to see what you had to say.i forgot the awards, and there was one photo share Donna used to do.Brenda took it over, but she faded from blogging it seems.

Grace said...

I've always thought these were fun...(Peanut butter and cucumber sandwiches???)

Pam said...

That is great....lots of fun. Peanut butter and cucumber? Really? Now I like peanut butter and mayo....but not added a cucumber to it! haha....I would love to steal these questions and use them on my blog if that will be okay?

Rick (Ratty) said...

You deserve a good award like this. And Sharkbytes(Joan) is one of my favorite people too, so this is good all around.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Congratulations! This is a pretty one, too. Gosh, I haven't seen any awards going around in a very long time! I guess it is partly because so many people are leaving blogging for Facebook. Peanut butter and cucumber...I want to know how it tastes, but may not have the courage to try! It's nice you and your dad had your own little food bond!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I had no idea there were still AWARDS being given out there in Blogland..... I never participated and never will. Everyone deserves an award I think --if they take time to blog!!!

BUT--I do enjoy seeing your answers to the questions. You loved peanut butter and cucumber? Never heard of that.. I always ate my peanut butter with mayo... YUM.

My favorite seasons are anything BUT Summer... I love Fall/Spring ---and 'sorta' enjoy winter (since I love the colder temps)....


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I think you are a great writer and have enjoyed your blog almost from its start. Your kind heart shines in each post. Loved the posts about Duke and now Gibbs. Hope you blog forever!

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