Saturday, February 20, 2021

multi-purpose employee

My official title at work is bakery manager but my duties go way beyond the bakery department. One of my jobs is to interview prospective new employees. Earlier this week I interviewed a woman and her son. The first interview was the mother. She informed me that her son was special needs and the only reason she was applying was to help get him in the door. She went on to tell me that she was willing to work for free just to get him a job. We ended up hiring both of them and while she doesn't start until tomorrow he started on Tuesday. I have never seen anyone so excited to be working. Telling him that he got the job gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling. His enthusiasm and determination are heart warming. I'm rooting for him to succeed.


Ginny Hartzler said...

This is truly heartwarming. You did a good thing! It's not often that we get a chance to change someone's life.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you had a chance to do that! What a wonderful, supportive mother.

Hootin Anni said...

I can picture this all too grandson is a special needs employee & and works his heart out. I hope this gentleman does make a difference. What will he be doing?

Laurel Wood said...

What a sweet story. I had a nephew with special needs. Don’t you wish everyone had the enthusiasm and gratefulness he does for the opportunity to work.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this touches the heart strings, so happy for him and his mother. i am thinking you got yourself two employees that will be there when they are supposed to be and be excellent workers. I too wonder what type job he got.. good job by the woman who wears many hats at work

Ella said...

What a good person you are! ❤️
I wish you both the best of luck!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a wonderful story! I pray that he'll do great! Thanks for sharing ~ FlowerLady

Kate said...

Well done, you for giving the young lad a chance and kudos to his mom. ♥

Ann said...

Ginny, I know that it was heartwarming for me to be able to call him and tell him we were hiring him.

CheerfulMonk, I thought the same thing

Anni, for now he'll be mainly filling milk and eggs, helping out in produce, sweeping, mopping, bagging groceries and doing carry outs for customers.

Laure, oh I sure do. His enthusiasm is so refreshing.

Ella, I can't really take the credit since I wasn't the one to make the final decision on this one. Most times I can but in this instance it was up to the boss whether or not he would get the chance.

Martha said...

I'm so glad you decided to hire both of them. I bet they will both be hard workers.

The Feminine Energy said...

Awwww... what a wonderful story, Ann... and even more wonderful is how you gave both of them a chance! What we mothers will do for our children, eh? My youngest adopted daughter is "special needs" too although you'd never know it by looking at her. She has no "reasoning" power and she can't add, subtract, multiple or divide. I don't know what type of job she's going to get after all this pandemic stuff is over but it worries me... constantly. I hope I don't have to do what this mother did and get a job along with her. ~Andrea xoxo

peggy said...

What a super-Mom! Hope you can let us know how things go.

Pam said...

My guess is he will be one of your best workers....

Lin said...

Hooray for that team!! WOW! I love the mom doing what she can for her son. And I am so happy for the son! Thank you and your store for giving him a chance. :)

Did you ever see the TV show "The Unemployables" on A & E? It was an entire show that focused on young people with autism and other issues that cause them to not be able to find work. They had professionals assess what they CAN do and worked with employers to give them a chance. It was an amazing and uplifting show to say the least. I think everyone has the chance to work especially if they find the right fit and employers who are willing to give them the opportunity.

Praying that all goes well for everyone!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Unfortunately a lot of people don't appreciate someone with special needs to give them a chance as you did, Ann. Thank

Rose said...

Oh, I hope he is a success! Please give us reports on how he is doing. We will all be rooting for him...and throwing in a prayer here and there.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's so beautiful.

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