Thursday, February 25, 2021

Simply amazing

This was on the front page of the Erie Times News on Tuesday.

This cardinal is half male and half female. Simply amazing.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Good GRIEF!!! It looks like half normal, half Albino to me. Will wonders never cease...

crafty cat corner said...

I wonder the scientists haven't snatched them all to do experiments on them, it's the kid of thing they would do isn't it?
They are so pretty, maybe they are rare as they all hide away as they know about all these mad scientists. lol

Hootin Anni said...

A few years back the bird magazine I get delivered had a yellow cardinal. I wonder if this photo wasn't manipulated some how.

Ella said...

Nature can be very funny at times! But very beautiful!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

since i have serious trust issues I did a search to find out more. it is and can happen to birds, just like people can be born with both sexes. it seems all liveing things can be born with female/male chromosones and be both. in humans it happens to 5 percent.... ok now i kind of sorta believe it.

Kate said...

I wonder how/if it affects the bird.

Martha said...

Wow, I've never heard of that happening before. It's a pretty little bird either way.

Forsythia said...

Nature seems to like variety.

The Feminine Energy said...

I wonder if the bird is "half male half female" in appearance only? It's pretty, for sure. I wonder how far this area is from the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster in 1979? The effects of that type of thing go on for many generations. ~Andrea xoxo

Sandee said...

What a beautiful and colorful bird. I love birds. They are most entertaining to watch.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Jeanette said...

It's beautiful regardless!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, that's amazing!

CheerfulMonk said...

Wow! 😮

Pam said...

OKay, after leaving this comment I am going to look that bird up. Is it half male and female (?) or 1/2 male coloring and 1/2 female to the internet NOW..

Pam said...

Well,, okay, it has both sexual organs and can mate either with a male or female. Interesting.

Lin said...

Initially, I was thinking of a political comment, but I refrained. :) I wonder if it is just the coloring or if the bird is really mutated? Or is the photo mutated? Such a skeptic I am! Sorry!

My Tata's Cottage said...

Beautiful colors. WHat I Know about birds is that the male is always the more colorful one and that is the same for fish. Crazy but true. I enjoy watching birds. We have those ancient 50 plus year old pine trees which are dirty with the pinchy needles that fall everywhere. But one of the trees has new birds. I hear them each morning. They are probaly twenty=-thirty feet high off the ground. I imagien they are warmer in there as these trees are very full.

Duni said...

Great pic and gorgeous bird!

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