Sunday, October 20, 2024


 Today I have the last two cakes that I did at work.

One morning I show up at work to find this order hanging on my table.

I had to call the customer to let them know that a frog is not something I have ever done before. Of course no answer so I had to leave a message. The note on the bottom of the order form was just in case she didn't call back before I left.

Any way, she returned my call, I explained the situation and told her I was willing to try it but wanted to let her know it might not look so good. She laughed and told me to do the best I could.

I started by drawing it on paper, the with plain white icing to see how it would look.

At this point I figured I could pull it off so I went ahead and did it on the cake.

And here is the whole cake.

This next one, a customer came in on a Friday and ordered a cake for the next day. The person who works on my days off can do cakes but she doesn't like to. I asked the customer if it was ok if I did it that day and said ok. I asked what she wanted on it and she told me it was for a boy and I could just surprise her. This is something totally different for me but I think it turned out pretty cool. Not sure what the customer thought of it though.

For some reason every blog I have tried to comment on this morning is saying failed to load. If I don't comment on your blog today, that's why. Sorry.

1 comment:

Rose said...

Love that frog! You are so creative.

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