Sunday, January 26, 2025

I see the moon

 And the moon sees me. The other night when I went to let Gibbs outside it looked so pretty seeing the moon between the branches of the tree. I had to grab the cell phone and get a picture.

Of course the picture just doesn't capture it as well as what I saw in person

I tried to zoom in and get a better shot of just the moon through the branches. My cell phone doesn't do a very good job with that though.


CheerfulMonk said...

Cameras almost never do justice to scenes like that, but they are still worth taking and sharing. Thank you. ❤️

Ginny Hartzler said...

I actually like the first photo better! The way the sky goes from dark at the top to lighter at the bottom, and the entire outline of the tree, with the house in the background.

DeniseinVA said...

You were still able to capture a pretty scene. My photos often don’t show how something looked in real time. It’s always a nice memory of a moment in time though. Great job!

Katerinas Blog said...

The first photo is perfect.
I can only imagine how magical that moment was!!
Maybe a moment of happiness (life is moments)!!

jabblog said...

Such a pretty sight. No wonder you took a photograph, and it's lovely, a great reminder of a perfect moment.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I see the moon and the moon sees me. I have become a Moon Watcher, since I started taking every step Beau takes. its stunning early or late or middle of the night. yours are beautiful. I think you should paint either or both of these in procreate... I just had fun with the moon brush and making a sky...

My Mind's Eye said...

Ann they are both exceptional snaps. The first with the blue the moon and the snow and a shadow OH MY and the 2nd the moon playing peep eye.
Hugs Cecilia

Shug said...

such a gorgeous view Ann. I do wish our phone cameras could capture just half of the beauty that we see. I love the branches of the tree against the evening sky and the moon peeking through...

Liz Hinds said...

They're better than any photos I've ever taken of the moon!

Lori said...

I love looking at the moon, especially in the Winter. These pictures are pretty good. Enjoy your Sunday.

Rita said...

I only have my cell phone for photos and they only zoom so much. But I enjoyed both pictures! :)

Barwitzki said...

Oh yes, I's so much fun to look at the moon.
Happy Sunday evening.

HappyK said...

It's a lovely photo of the moon through the trees.
My cell phone doesn't do zoom very good either.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It's lovely. I love seeing the moon. We end up seeing it in the middle of the night from our bedroom sliding glass doors. We don't have curtains on them because we have our view lot. No one is behind us. I am no good at getting photos of the moon with my phone. I don't use my cameras anymore.

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