Saturday, January 18, 2025

That's just plain rude

 Last Sunday, the cashier didn't show up for work and since it's so dead I just played cashier for the day and the deli manager took care of any bakery work there was. While I was at the register I watched a car pull up into the handicap spot and very badly I might add. She was partially over in front of the door.

Ok so what's wrong with parking in the handicap spot? Nothing if you are actually handicapped. But I watched as she got out of the vehicle and then walked across the street to the thrift shop. It's the one on the other side of the street that has a flag out in front.

The worst part was she wasn't a young person. I'm sure she was older than me and should have known better. I went outside and looked at her vehicle and there was no handicap tag on it at all. And when she walked across the street she didn't appear to have any difficulty. I got a picture of her as she was coming back.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Abuse of handicap parking is rampant. yep! really rude is what this was... so sorry you are still sitting in an empty store. that is also rude to keep you all hanging on

Jeanette said...

So rude!


It can be frustrating to witness situations like that, especially when someone takes advantage of a handicap spot without a legitimate need. It’s a good reminder of the importance of respecting those spaces for people who truly need them. While it’s great that you observed and took note, sometimes it’s better to let staff or appropriate authorities handle such situations. I hope it didn’t ruin your day too much – it’s just one of those things that happen from time to time!

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Carol said...

She done a bad parking job and if she did not have a handicap plate or placard, then she should not have parked there. I will say that you can't go by looks. My granddaughter has issues with her legs and some days she is in pain and doesn't feel like walking far but shows no sign of a problem. I have the same issues with my feet, following three reconstructive surgeries. Many times, when I park in one, someone will ask why I am parked there. I just politely say, I have a placard, and I can!

jabblog said...

Some people are so entitled and insensitive and just downright selfish.

Liz Hinds said...

Rude and thoughtless.

Chatty Crone said...

It is TERRIBLE! But if the police don't enforce it what can you do?
I see kids who must have either borrowed the sticker or car and just pop out and go into the store. It just frosts me.

My Mind's Eye said...

She was mentally handicapped. Another on of those who thinks rules don't apply to her.
If I had done that, 100 police would have issued a fine to me.
Hugs Cecilia

Rita said...

Rude! Rude! Rude!
People seem to think they have been given a license to be rude these days. *sigh*

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That was so wrong of her. It's a shame that there are people out there that just don't care. Where are the police when you need them?

CheerfulMonk said...

That’s too bad! I hope nobody needed the spot while she was using it.

HappyK said...

That is one of my pet peeves. People should be thankful they are able to walk.

DeniseinVA said...

That is so wrong! And rude!

DeniseinVA said...

Also agreeing with what MadSnapper said in her comment at the top.

Rose said...

I will say we accidentally parked in one one time...not right up.agaunst the building..and was a whole nig empty parking lot...we did not notice cause we were running late...we got a warning...we did not even notice till we read the warning...the spots were painted, but it just was so dull we did not notice. We have the placard now, but I never use it unless Roger is with me.

Lori said...

Entitlement is rampant in our society now. Some people have no regard for others.

photowannabe said...

Oh the abuse of the handicap placard makes me so mad. This woman used it to shop somewhere else too..double RUDE..

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