Monday, February 3, 2025

Gray day and other things.

 Or maybe I should call this "I walk alone"  I went out for another walk last Wednesday and while it was warmer than my first walk it was rather gloomy. There was no sunshine and no shadow to walk along with me.

Tuesday I got a late invitation to a girls night with several of the girls I worked with. I declined because I was a bit achy from the shoveling I did the day before, I had just put dinner in the oven and honestly, I hate to drive at night. The next day I had been texting with one of the girls and she said they were going to be getting together at the store to cook ox roast to have ready for the liquidation hours if I wanted to come hang out with them. 
Thursday morning I went to Walmart to pick up a prescription and do some grocery shopping. When I was done I stopped at the store and hung out for a while. I also picked up a few items at 50% off before I left. It was nice getting out and having someone besides Gibbs to talk to.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Looks like a really glum day! But it's nice you could get together with the girls again.

CheerfulMonk said...

The walk does look gloomy, but that's great you had a chance to socialize

Rita said...

What a lovely church!
Slushy-ish walk but looks like such a nice neighborhood.
Glad you got to stop by for a bit of company and chatter. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Did you take Gibbs on the walk? it does look dreary but glad you got out and yay for hanging out at the store... beautiful church. Hope you wake up to sunshine today, that makes even slushy stuff better. I just had an idea, since the girls are off too, you could have them over for coffee just to break the drery day...

Lori said...

I'm glad you got to hang out with your friends. That always brings a bright spot in a day. Gloomy days are for naps.

My Mind's Eye said...

Is the first building a church...nice architecture.
Ox really ox roast?
I was sore reading about your shoveling
Hugs cecilia

jabblog said...

Grey days can be very dispiriting. Dogs are great listeners, but not sparkling conversationalists.

Chatty Crone said...

Maybe your groundhog did not see it's shadow and you will be getting spring soon.
I am glad you went for a walk.
I am also glad you went to be with the girls - you HAVE to get out.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

GLad you got out for a walk even though it was gloomy. I'm also glad that you did stop in and see the girls on Thursday.

Shug said...

Glad you decided to stop by and visit with them...This is a beautiful picture of the Church.. You all still have lots of snow...

Sandee said...

You'll find your momentum at some point. It took me a bit too. Just stay busy.

Have a fabulous day and week, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to handsome Gibbs. ♥

photowannabe said...

Getting out and visiting with friends is always a pick me upper....
Glad you could do it and maybe you can start a girls night out or in at your home too. Keep the friendships alive.

HappyK said...

Does look dreary but still it's nice to get out there and walk.
Most of our snow is gone now - pretty warm out today.

DeniseinVA said...

That sounds like a nice get together. Maybe you can start a regular thing going with them. Thanks for the photos around your area. Still looks like a lot of snow. Thankfully ours has just about gone now with the 50 temperatures we had today and a few days ago.

Rose said...

It looks like you still have slick spots...almost all the snow s gone here...just some on edges of parking lots or edges...though after today there might not be those. It got up to around 60.

The Happy Whisk said...

I do enjoy a gloomy dark and stormy or even not so dark and stormy day. Clouds like that, I find often make for a great walk with the real camera. Neato on the sales items. That's cool.

Debbie Nolan said...

Yes those gloomy days are not a favorite but there is something about just getting outdoors for a walk that makes me feel better. Glad to read that you had a visit with your friends. Take care.

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