Last Sunday was the worst. It started out ok with coffee, emails and blog reading. Then I went and tried to do my weekly certification for my unemployment. I totally messed it up. I was feeling stressed, stupid, hopeless and lonely. A lethal combination.
I had planned on driving in to Erie to walk the mall but my mood was too low and I knew I wouldn't enjoy it. I moped around the house all morning. By about 12:30 I talked myself into going. I walked the mall and when I came back out it was snowing like crazy and I had a white knuckle drive all the way home. It's about a half hour drive in good weather.
Monday morning I started trying to call the unemployment office. I began at 8:00am. I tried a total of 416 times and got a busy signal. On try 417 I finally got an answering system that put me on hold. I was on hold for 58 minutes. Finally a real person came on and got my stuff all straightened around. I am a bit nervous about screwing it up again this week.
Any way after that was taken care of I went for a walk. It was up to 48 degrees that day.
A nice reminder at the Catholic church
This is in a front yard on the way home.
A giraffe and turtle made from cement! How clever! Your unemployment adventure is unbelievable!! I'm afraid I would just have given up for the day, but you persevered! This is so weird, people living in an old storefront!!
I'm so sorry for all your frustration. I do hope it works out better for you next week. Nice to see the grass popping through the snow and it won't be long before we'll see tulips popping through the earth. It always cheers me up when I see them even when they're barely coming through the ground. It's the first sign of spring for me:)
I hope tomorrow is better for you. Happy Sunday!
I hope tomorrow is a lot better! ❤️
I am really sorry you had such a lousy time. Good for you in persevering. I hope tomorrow will bring a better day. Thanks for the photos. You took some nice photos.
I am thinking a lot of stress is piling up on you because of the up in the air about a job and that the unemployment was the straw that broke he camels back... hoping no more straws pile on and that your first check lands in your account SOON.. also that you will find out which job you will have and that it will be soon also. Living alone is ok until bad stuff happens and you need to rant and rave or have support... love you
I hope this week is kinder to you. I like the sign at the church and the 'creatures' in the garden.
Oh that is so frustrating. Sure hope this week goes smoothly.
Sounds like the walk made you feel better.
Like the church sign.
Whew that was truly a week not to repeat. Hope and purr all went well today with certification. You found some very interesting things on your walk home. The turtle bench bravo and giraffe
Amen to the be is so easy to do but seems some find mean is easier.
Hugs to you and Gibbs
How frustrating!! I can't imagine how difficult it is to file unemployment and have to do everything online with no assistance. So many things are 10x more difficult than they need to be. Good for you on sticking with it, getting it done and getting out of the house.
I get your frustration for sure. It feels like they make it complicated on purpose. Which also is frustrating. It need not be that hard.
White knuckle ride home doesn't sound fun. Been there for sure. Glad you made it home safe.
Wishing you a good new start to the week.
I hope there is a very good start to this coming week.
Great sign in front of the church.
Living in a store must be quite interesting and different.
Best to you and big hugs. :)
So you finally pushed yourself to go out and then you had to drive home in the snow. So sorry about that. Glad that you finally got to talk to someone at unemployment. Glad you went for a walk too, even though it was cold outside. Yes that is a good reminder on the church sign. They actually live in the store? That's different. That is interesting in front of that house. Hope you are having a good day today.
I really like the neat. When I am calling a place like this, I always try to call immediately when they open to try to get ahead of the long wait times. I just feel like this will be a better week for you...Keeping fingers crossed..
Sounds like a rough start to the week, but you handled it well! Glad you got the unemployment issue sorted, and the walk seemed like a nice reset. Hopefully, the next certification goes smoother. Stay strong!
I just dont even like to think of phone calls for business or anything of that nature.. and I am getting ready and one is to.with car and one is to do with refill and prior authorization of a med.
I hate having to do things like that! A lot of it doesn't make any sense! Interesting bench in front of that house. Also interesting that someone lives in that old store ! We have a lot of empty stores around here that could use someone living in them!
Oh those are horrid days to get through. Glad you managed a walk.
Government agencies are hard to go through and can be so frustrating.
Oh Ann your perseverance is amazing. I would have given up after just a few calls. Sounds like things are being made right. Hope so. Hugs!
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