It could be quite possible that I am already experiencing blog idea overload. I have a million ideas for blog posts but don't know which to start with. I'm also afraid some of my thoughts could get a little long winded and bore everyone to death.
So for today I'll simply show you a small preview of the digiscrap kit I made. Hopefully by tonight or tomorrow I will have figured out how to add the link so that you can download it and try it out. Here it is "Happy Fall Y'all" There are more papers in the kit but I didn't include all of them in this picture.

Ok I'm off to go shake some cobwebs out of my brain and work on that download.
1 comment:
hey ann! how did you get your signature in the blog post without having a frame around it like the pictures do? i've tried everywhich way and can't figure it out! LOL
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