Anyway, my kids came over to give me a card and gift and I made them sit for a little group picture. It's not the greatest but I haven't done anything to it yet.
This is what they gave me. Isn't that the sweetest? I took a picture of the card too but I won't bore you with

So in celebration of my birthday I'm going to give all of you a gift. This is a kit that I threw together after I had this bright idea. I made some papers using some pictures I had and it reminded me of a couple times when I was out walking with my camera and clearing my head. Sort of my conversations with God. His way of helping me to ease the stress of everyday life. After the papers were made it led to thoughts of how God has been pushed out and banned from way too many places. I decided that I would make this kit and offer it here as a freebie because God is allowed on my blog. Also, I've changed my TOU for this kit to include commercial use. After all we're talking about God here and who am I to tell someone else how they can or can not use Him in their life. Even though this is called conversations with God, it's not a purely religious kit, but their are a few items included that are.
I did two separate previews, one for the papers and one for the elements but their is only one download. I hope you like the kit and would love to hear what everyone thinks about it.

Happy Birthday Sis! :)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Elements Only, Papers Only post on Mar. 22, 2009. Thanks again.
It's so beautiful, not just the kit but your words. "God is allowed on my blog"
God creates all the beauty in this world (including you) and is gracious enough to let us share it. Amazing!
Thank you, Annie. Today is MY birthday, too. So, thank you for the gift.
I'm not a scrapper, but I am a blogger. Please drop in & visit My Conversations With God at
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