Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Life is a deck of cards.

Life really can be summed up with a deck of cards sometimes.
You see you think all you have is a pair

But one day there you are with a full house again.

If you aren't careful you might end up getting a little flush(ed)

But if you hold your head some day maybe the castle will be back to being just one king and one queen

and maybe just a little (white) jack.

Maybe I should ask for a redeal. Care to cut the deck?


Catherine said...

Haha ~ very inventive!
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are SOOOOO creative. i love it and the little white JACK is perfect. great post and enjoy your king/queen/jack time

icedgurl said...

trekking your lovely blog!!! thanks for sharing and keep posting! Happy New Year!


Marg said...

Well that is a fun way to look at life. I like that a lot. Hope you have a good week Take care.

Unknown said...

Well, well, ain't you gettin' plumb clever!

Anonymous said...

Clever post - is there a story behind it???

john bain said...

I expect you are far too young to remember Wink Martindale and the song 'Deck of Cards'. I think That's his name!

BeadedTail said...

Very clever post! I'd like a little white Duke - do they have a card for that? :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is the second thing like this that I have seen you post, and you are your best and most creative doing this!!! I swear, if you could find a market for this somewhere, you could make a fortune!! This one is great!!! I bet you could sell a book of these, or make greeting cards.

Donna said...

And it's All so true!
Here's praying for a better 2012!!

Sandee said...

I like it and it's true too. Very clever indeed.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Erika said...

You share with us a great deal of humor; thank you.
Hope you had a great weekend,


Chatty Crone said...

That was really really cute. And true! HAHA. Was the button on the top of your blog always there or is it new? I like what it says. sandie

Donna said...

I'd rather it be like a box of chocolates instead! We can eat those, LOL!

Rick (Ratty) said...

Good post. Amazingly creative.

Marie said...

You are so creative! I love it!

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

I think you got the cards all arranged just right.

Tammy said...

I like this. Life is like a deck of cards.

Anne said...

Duke is definitely the jack of hearts. He has certainly captured mine.

allotments4you said...

What an excellent post Ann...love the analogy!

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