Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mom and me

What? What do you mean you don't see mom? She's the one in the purple robe.
We had a green Christmas but it's white outside now. We got snow yesterday and it sure is cold. Just perfect weather for mom to put on her robe and me to cuddle on her lap.


Julie Harward said... should be writing children's and Duke-alicious, they would sell like hot cakes! ;D

BeadedTail said...

Awww Duke, with your adorable face we bet your mom loves when it snows so she can cuddle with you!

Carole Barkett said...

Great way to spend a cold day

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hmmm...kinda looks like Duke took your robe and is wearing it!!

bichonpawz said...

It does look like Duke is wearing your pretty purple robe!!

marie said...

Perfect way to fend off the cold...cuddling together in a warm, fluffy robe! Or is that cuddling with a warm, fluffy dog? Either way is perfect!

Catherine said...

It is freezing rain here right now. Not fun!!

You look extra cute today Duke! But a little sad in yesterday's post in the Christmas hat! LOL!
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we got cold here too, woke up to 42 degrees which is freezing to us here in Florida. i have on my flannel gown and Jake and Baby are snuggled in their blankets on the sofa. almost as good as a purple robe to lay on.

Duni said...

Duke, you look ADORABLE in the robe :)
I'm just so glad we haven't got any snow (yet).

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Hey Duke - we had a green Christmas here also so don't feel bad! We wish we would have had some snowflakes to make our holiday a little more festive ... but I think we may get a flake or two next week.

Happy New Year,

Unknown said...

Talk about a pampered pup. Good for you, Duke!

Donna said...

Ahhhh, toasty warm cuddled up with Mom...

Anne said...

How cozy you and Duke look. I wish I could cuddle with Duke although Oreo is a close second.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

OH--I'm so jealous!!!! We had alot of rain but now it is sunny and COLD... Even without snow, I can cuddle up with my PINK robe on a day like today.

Sandee said...

You are adorable Duke, but you already know that. I'm sure mom tells you often enough.

Have a woof woof day. My best to your mom. :)

allotments4you said...

We had a green christmas too Ann...and it looks like we will have a green new year...I don't mind so much though...but wish the wind would go away too!!

Marie said...

Duke you look very cozy on your mommy's robe.
I've actually been able to wear my slippers and warm pjs around the house. That's exciting for Florida. :)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I think any time would be a good time to cuddle with Duke! Happy New Year wishes to you both!

Donna said...

LOL, it looks like Duke is wearing the robe!

Reeni said...

If that doesn't melt my heart I don't know what will!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Duke you mom loves you so much to cuddle and share her robe.

Stay warm and keep her warm too.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

You keep her warm now!

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