Saturday, April 21, 2012


I'm not a huge fan of change. I will admit that a little change is good now and then but I'm talking things like a haircut, trading in your car, or even changing what you have sitting on your mantel.

What I don't like is when you get a heap of change dumped on you and your have to figure out what to do with it.

I didn't do well when I opened up my blogger dashboard yesterday and saw how different it looked. I liked it the way it was. It was friendly and familiar. I knew where everything was. Ok so it had it's quirks. I didn't always publish my posts when I asked it to but still it was my friend. This new dashboard is not my friend. It sits on my computer screen and laughs at me. Maybe it will grown on me but so far, not.  Maybe, just maybe if it sent me a gift I would change my mind. Yeah, I don't see that happening either.


Jen said...

Okay, now I'm scared to sign in to Blogger and see what they've done to it. I don't like change either; it is scary and uncooperative most of the time.

Humpf - now I have an attitude, and I haven't even seen it yet. Ha. Well, *gulp* here I go...

Hootin Anni said...

First....I LOVE!! the post for Friday...the's so pretty, yet can be lethal. GREAT images Ann.

As for the new interface for Blogger...I just tried to draft a post for Sunday, and got it all done with the new interface, and DID NOT like it either. I had it scheduled [I thought] to post automatically for 12:01 a.m. on Sunday...clicked "done" and it published!!! Not good. So...did some real deep searching on the NEW interface and found a way to revert back to the OLD.

So, here's a bit of help...go to the new interface...on the top right hand corner you'll see a little icon, what looks like a 'gear' on it. And there, you'll find an option of reverting back to the old style. Yay!!!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hmmmm...I've had several problems with scheduling posts with it...not a happy camper!...:)JP

Dr Sonia S V said...

I am just like you Ann I hate change!!!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Blogger introduced the new interface months ago and I gave it a try and opted out and went back to the old way - but then I decided to give it another try and I really like it.

... as someone once told me - you've gotta be flexible like gumby [sp? - that is if you remember who gumby was!]


Duni said...

Hi Ann,
I changed to the new style a while ago. I've gotten used to it since then. The only trouble I now have is that scheduled posts don't go up when they should! I hope Blogger will fix that soon!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i save my change and once bought a trundle bed with all change, 169 dollars of rolled change. then i found that walmart and publix have this need contraption that i just dump it in and they give me my money. but the thing is since i found that, i don't have change because i use debit card all the time.
i have been using the new dashboard for a year, email me if you can't find something.

Lin said...

Yeah, I'm not big on it either. I tried it before and switched back. I'm NOT happy about forced change.

john bain said...

There is a way back to the old way. I'm not sure how I did it but I did. It may have something to do with that cog wheel thing in the top right corner. Have a click on that.

Anonymous said...

Piggy bank for the change - we cashed in my husband's recently and there was close to $300! 'course it took a year to accumulate that much but still...

I had switched to the new format and found it to be a huge PITA - I found the "switch back" button too - new is not always better and anything Google or Miscrosoft, or hell, anything computer, proves that.

Catherine said...

I'm with you Ann. I'm not really enjoying the new blogger dashboard either. Perhaps it will grow on us?
xo Catherine

a paper {life} said...

I guess I am the odd one out....I LOVE change. The more the better. I think that's why I love making cards because they are quick and I rarely make the same one again.

I have been working with the new interface since it came out and after a few growing pains (don't hit me) I actually like it. If I were to go back to the old one I would be lost again....but that's just me.

I love change so much I am constantly moving the furniture and it drives my family nuts (but then driving them nuts might be the draw too..hehe)

Sandee said...

Too much change to rapidly is what I don't care for and I agree about the new blogger dashboard. I changed it back to the friendly one. I've a feeling that it's going to go away at some point and then I'll be stuck with the new one. Don't care for the new one at all.

Have a terrific weekend. My best to Duke. :)

Jille said...

I'm with you Ann. I am not liking the new blogger either. I'm struggling to find the updates from the blogs that I follow! I too hope it will grow on us!
Jille xx

Rose Clearfield said...

You are definitely not alone on this. The only thing that really bugs me so far is that after you edit an old post, it puts you right back to the Edit Posts page. There is no option to view the page you just edited. Otherwise I'm just getting used to the layouts, which still makes things slower than normal.

Anne said...

Technology changes are always tough. Once you get a system, it is hard to change.

Marie said...

I don't care for change either...
Have a great weekend!

Out on the prairie said...

Wasn't sure if i liked it at all, but have gotten used to it a bit.Haven't tried anything fancy yet

jeanlivingsimple said...

I just did a major change to my blog. But I miss the layout options.
At least we can change the dashboard options.
Great topic Ann!

Marg said...

You are the second person to say something. So I am going to have to go take a look. My main blog is not on there, but I do the auctions for the CB on there. Looks like you conquered Blogger. Take care.

marie said...

I can't even see the new dashboard on my laptop...I had to use the desktop and revert to the old interface.

If I can figure out how to see it on the laptop, I'll play around with it a bit. But I'm not a huge fan of change...'specially not when I'm surprised by it!

marie said...

I can't even see the new dashboard on my laptop...I had to use the desktop and revert to the old interface.

If I can figure out how to see it on the laptop, I'll play around with it a bit. But I'm not a huge fan of change...'specially not when I'm surprised by it!

marie said...

I can't even see the new dashboard on my laptop...I had to use the desktop and revert to the old interface.

If I can figure out how to see it on the laptop, I'll play around with it a bit. But I'm not a huge fan of change...'specially not when I'm surprised by it!

BeadedTail said...

I don't like the Blogger change yet either. I don't know why they do such drastic changes all at once. We should be able to ease in to it little by little. As for the coins, luckily not having a sales tax in OR really cuts down on having a lot of loose change around. Things really are just 9.99 or whatever so there isn't a lot of change back! Woo hoo!

Donna said...

I got used to the new Blogger dashboard over the past few months. Now it all seems second nature.

Pass the coins on to me and I'll figure out exactly what to do with it, LOL!

Anonymous said...

This is one of the reasons why I use wordpress rather than blogger. Blogger has way too many quirks.

allotments4you said...

I'm still trying to get my head around the new blogger too. In some aspects it has improved but I do miss my old friend of the past few years. I am a creature of habit and change messes everything up!!

Unknown said...

I switched to the new Blogger Dashboard look several weeks ago, and I am still not completely comfortable with it. I hate the new look to gmail even more, and I have full confidence in the fact that just when I have finally found were everything is now hiding, they will introduce another new look. Sigh.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Ann - I mourn with you. It looks so blah with no life or rhyme or reason. sandie

Sharkbytes said...

I'm not crazy about the new look either, but I think I can find my way around. What they think is important doesn't match with what I think.

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