Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Last year I purchased a lilac bush for my back yard. I've always wanted one and could never get one to grow. This one was larger than most I had planted and looked to be quite healthy. Of course when I bought it, it had already finished blooming for the year. Being so hot and dry last summer it took a bit of a beating. Even though I frequently watered it I wondered if it would make it.
I'm happy to say that the other day I went out to check on it and saw plenty of buds
This was a different kind of lilac than others I had tried and I can't recall exactly what kind it was but I'm glad that it survived. Now I'm just waiting to see if the hibiscus is going to show any signs of life.


booahboo said...

Glad to see your lilac survived! We can't grow lilacs here.. (i think) but hibuscus thrive easily here.. 365 days.. it flowers :)

allotments4you said...

So glad you lilac survived the winter and I will keep my fingers crossed for your Hibiscus. I spend every spring wandering around the garden wondering if I will have lost anything in the winter months and need to replace it!!

Unknown said...

Does Duke help with the watering?

Duni said...

Oh good! It survived! It's going to look lovely in full bloom :)

Catherine said...

Lilacs smell so great don't they? I'm glad yours has some buds!
xo Catherine

Lin said...

Isn't it fun to see it coming back to life??! I love to go out in the yard, late winter, to see the earth awakening. There is nothing like those little green sprouts coming up to warm your heart.

I'm glad to see your plant made it! I hope you show us its blooms.

Karen said...

I don't see many lilac bushes in that color. It is so pretty. We bought a small bush a few years ago. It now towers over our 6 ft fence! The birds love to make nests in it.

Donna said...

Hooray! I love the smell of lilacs. I hope you get some blooms for cutting and filling vases!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

can't wait to see this in full bloom, if you left the hibiscus out all winter, it is probably deceased. i think in cold country they have to come inside.

Marie said...

I'm so happy it survived! It's going to be so pretty!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm- lilacs - one of my favorites. As to the hibiscus - I just looked it up - there is tropical hibiscus and hardy hibiscus - the tropical need to come in during the winter...(this was the first site I found if you want to check it out)

Out on the prairie said...

It almost looks like a smaller leafed Korean. I put in a white one that i just posted a pic of. I love the variety of colors and a smell that regals all flowers around.

Donna said...

Looks like it's 'gonna make it! Good!

Anne said...

I love lilac plants. I have always wanted to get one but I worry about my black thumb.

Chatty Crone said...

Looks like it'll make it there - it is funny how we watch and see what makes it and what doesn't survive the winter. Oh. here in GA - we had no winter at all this year. Sandie

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh, it's going to be beautiful! Hibiscus are slow coming back so be patient with it before thinking it didn't make it. No signs of life on mine yet either.

Rose Clearfield said...

Beautiful! I'm so glad that it's doing well.

Sandee said...

I can so relate to hoping for the survival of certain plants. Many that we've planted didn't make it. Mostly because we did something wrong. Sigh. Glad you are doing much better than we have.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Joanne Olivieri said...

How wonderful that it survived and what a fantastic shot with all those details. Nice post.

Tammy said...

I love spring with all the beautiful blooms. Lilac is one of my favorites. I don't have one but my neighbor does.

Erika said...

wouldn't it be nice if returning and finding balance would always be this beautiful?

My returns and balancing act tend to be more along the line of frizzy hair, wrinkled t-shirts, and legs needing a razor.

Hootin Anni said...

Before retiring and moving out of Colorado ...we had a HEDGE of lilacs all along our property line. I love 'em, but they won't grow here [I was told that they need to go dormant during winter] :::sigh:::

Lucky you!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful, Ann.. We saw and took a picture of a big lilac bush when we were at the Balsam Mtn. Inn last week. They smell wonderful!!!!


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Lilacs are THE BEST!!!!...:)JP

BeadedTail said...

I love lilacs! Isn't it wonderful to see what returns every year? I went and checked on my hostas Sunday and saw a few coming back and it gave me a little thrill since I have such a black thumb!

Reeni said...

Lilac bushes are my favorite! They're so pretty and smell so good.

Debra Dickinson said...

@ Jerry - Ewwwww! LOL.

Ann, I always learn something from your blog. I didn't know there were so many kinds of lilac and I didn't realize they are so fragrant.

Love your blog and the comments! I'm glad it survived. You're so lucky to be able to grow things like that and hibiscus there.

Anonymous said...

My mom has a huge lilac bush in our backyard. Unfortunately, it's next to tthe swimming pool and as it blooms so early in the season it feels like we miss seeing it every year.

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