Monday, April 9, 2012

Getting the right balance

Balance is important in so many things. I've had difficulty finding it in a lot of ways lately. Most recently though it was white balance that was an issue for me. When I use my camera in the house on the manual setting I normally change the white balance for incandescent light. That isn't a problem until I go outside and start snapping pictures without remembering to change it to daylight. Now if you think that's not a big deal wait till you see the difference.
The first picture here was taken outside with the white balance set for incandescent light

Realizing what I did I changed the setting and took this one
Both of these pictures are straight off the camera and taken within a few minutes of each other. I don't know why I can never remember BEFORE I start shooting to check those settings.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, this is a HUGE difference! I am always forgetting to change my settings!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Ann you are such a whizz with the camera!!

booahboo said...

sometimes... when you forget.. you get a pretty cool picture :) experimental... but cool :) glad that you are back and hope you'll find your balance soon!

Unknown said...

The easiest way for me to find balance is to lay down on the bed, but when I wake up on the floor, I remember that taking things too much for granted can be painful.

Pat said...

I'm glad you didn't check the settings, we now have two beauties to look at :) xx

Duni said...

What a difference! Most of my pics are taken indoors and I'm still learning about white balance.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I know what you mean! That remembering thing is popping up a lot lately ;)

Catherine said...

Looks like your memory is like mine! Haha!
So many buttons to remember to change! ;)
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i just typed a LOOOONG comment, and hit the space bar by accident and GONE. phooey. sometimes i do this on purpose to see what it does. i like both of these. i fiddle with my white balance and other settings and then snap and when i review i will have a black photo. and i never think to check the settings until i run a photo. welcome back, so happy you are back blogging

Hootin Anni said...

...but if you DID remember to change the settings, we wouldn't be treated to the 'special' one beforehand. Right? I love 'em both.

allotments4you said...

I can't believe what a difference one little setting makes to the photo...however they are both really nice!!

Anonymous said...

I kinda like the first one better - but I can be perverse. But I do like the composition of the second better than the first...

Donna said...

Hahaaa....I'm lucky if I remember to take the Camera!!

Rose Clearfield said...

It is amazing what a difference that can make. I usually have my camera set for taking light box photos and often forget to change it when I'm photographing elsewhere.

Sandee said...

Wow what a difference indeed. I know nothing about photography. Hubby takes all the pictures. Mine are always terrible so I quit many years ago.

Balance is key indeed.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Lin said...

I'm guilty of that--just grabbing the camera and shooting. I'm not a good "photographer". :(

Marie said...

There is a big difference, but they're both pretty. I'm always forgetting to change the settings. Sometimes I'm busy changing the settings and I miss the subject I'm trying to photograph. So much to learn! Have a great week Ann!

Joanne Olivieri said...

Ann, I know what you mean. I switch back and forth on my camera from regular settings to macro and I always forget to switch back.

In this instance though, I like them both. The first one is very artistic while the second one is natural. Both are gorgeous!

Helen said...

I don't know much about taking picture but I knew exactly what you meant. Most of my pictures for my blog were taken indoor, I took lots of them before I can get one descent picture for the post.

john bain said...

I have a lot of trouble with my balance too. I'm OK today I've been sitting down a lot.:-)

BeadedTail said...

That is a difference! I've read my manual over and over and cannot figure out how to change my white balance at all. I need to for my jewelry shots but it just isn't going to happen I guess.

Chatty Crone said...

What a difference a setting makes! (I don;t think I have settings like that on my camera!)

Sharkbytes said...

I don't understand what half the settings on my camera do.

Debra Dickinson said...

Feeling behind and short on time, I scanned the text and looked at your pics 1st. I love your pictures! Then, I took time to read....

You lost me at manual settings. ;)

I love your work, and glad you are such a whiz with the camera. Thanks for sharing!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Big difference in the two pictures, Ann... The lighting and balance do make a difference.... Isn't photography fun?????


Out on the prairie said...

i have shot on the wrong setting for a # of pics before I catch my error.

Donna said...

Don't fret, I do the same thing all the time! I shoot RAW images for maximum flexibility. So I can easily adjust the white balance in Adobe Camera RAW when I do my digital processing.

But I am trying to remember to check my first couple of images when I start a photo shoot and the playback instantly tells me that I forgot to change my settings.

Tammy said...

I wish I was so smart and knew what you were talking about. I have a nice camera and I have to learn how to use it. Your pictures are always so nice.

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