Friday, July 6, 2012

Random Friday Ramblings

First off I have to ask those of you who use firefox if you have seen the following message when you log on to blogger.
Your browser is no longer supported by Blogger. Some parts of Blogger will not work and you may experience problems.
If you are having problems, try Google Chrome.

What's up with that?
I don't know what problems they are talking about but so far I haven't noticed any. However, I decided to attempt to download Google Chrome. It downloaded ok but then that was it. I can not open it at all. It's there on my computer but when I click on it I get a big fat NOTHING.

Duke says I have been a bad blogger. He says that all blogging moms with furbabies should be posting said babies a minimum of once a week. He informs me that he has not seen himself on these pages in some time.
I promised him I would take care of that immediately.

He refused to give a happy face for the camera. I think he may be a little irritated with me. A few extra snacks should cure that.

Last Sunday I was on my way to a flea market and made a stop along the way to take some pictures. As I was strolling along I spotted these lilies. Aren't these gorgeous. I have one purple loving friend who stops by here who I know will love these.

Well that's it for today. I don't know what the plan is for the weekend or even if there is a plan. I just hope the day goes by quick and I can move in to day off mode.


Unknown said...

That is a very nice picture of Duke and the lilies are gorgeous, I love the color.
Have a great day!


Duni said...

Duke is absolutely right! More pics please :) Which reminds me...I should post Sammy-pics more often too!
The purple lilies are gorgeous.
I don't know what is up with that weird message :-/
happy Friday!

allotments4you said...

I use firefox Ann and haven't received any messages about blogger not working.

Great photo of Duke...he has been missed!!

Lovely Lilies.

booahboo said...

Duke is right you know.. just saying.. hehehehehee..

Love the purple flowers... :) Have a great weekend ahead Ann.

booahboo said...

oh.. btw.. i haven't got the thing to download Chrome yet... my blogger seems to be performing ok ok still.

Dr Sonia S V said...

WOW the flower is stunning and Duke is right...I missed his photos!

Hootin Anni said...

First off, I am playing catchup once again....been lazy for the last few days about being online, but still I need to get to reading and finding out what's going on with the bloggin' buddies.

Your wedding photos below this post area amazing. I especially like the framed photo of daughter and father while they're dancing...yes indeed, that is heart wrenching; his expression. You just wonder what he's thinking as he holds his daughter. Wow!!!

Now, to this post....

Awwww, Duke, you're adorable, stately, and so very handsome. I think your expression just shows the royalty coming through....but don't tell her, she'll disagree pro'ly!! The purple lilies...I love purple...and I have NOT seen these ever before in my life. I want some!!!! Where or where do I get some?!!! Gotta make a trip to the plant nursery--------after an online search with Google. Speaking of Google, I have tried Google Chrome several times, and really don't like it. I install it, and play around with it an hour or two, and go back and uninstall it. FF is still my preference.

Helen said...

Duke knows he didn't need to smile for this photo because he is so good looking. Love whatever you did to the photo. I also started to enjoy purple color. Many things I made now had purple in them. Stay cool!

Anne said...

It sounds like part of Google's plan to take over the world. Let's block out all the other browsers. You know I always love photos of Duke. He definitely makes me happy. Purple is my favorite color so I love the flowers.

Lin said...

Google scares me. I will not go to Google chrome because I'm sick of Google tracking my every move on the internet. I can't imagine where I go and who I visit is such a big deal to them, but apparently they want to invade everyone's privacy. Ugh.

I have not received that message and blogger is working just fine on Firefox.

It's good to see Duke this morning--his little face has to work overtime now that we've lost our other smiley face, Sadie.

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of trouble using Chrome on my laptop-but I can ONLY use it on my Netbook (though, never use that anymore). I think some computers just aren't set up properly...though, maybe, before actually downloading it...turn off your internet, download the program and open it and then turn your internet back on. I had to do that with iTunes.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love Google Chrome! My Charlie is telling me I haven't shared his photos in awhile either. Must change that! Love the purple flowers.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sweet pic of duke, as always and i agree, not enough pup pics lately. love the purple flowers and i use Chrome and love it. try uninstall and download again, mine works great and is much faster with blogging than FF or IE i have all three, hubby likes IE and uses FF as back up. i use Chrome and use FF as back up.

Donna said...

I use FireFox and I saw that ad...Ignored it! My blog still works fine without fact on my old computer, Chrome caused trouble and I unloaded it.
Love Duke! Great shots!
Happy weekend...

Out on the prairie said...

I don't use firefox so haven'y had that message.I like the
duke shot, he is a big part of your life.Lovely lily, amazing colors.

john bain said...

I use google chrome. It has always been fine. But just this last few days I keep getting a little message pop up saying my profile isn't loading correctly. When I press OK everything is fine again.
Duke is looking very handsome.

Sandee said...

I'm not having that problem and I use FireFox. Just can't get used to Google Chrome. Not for me.

I stole Duke for Awww...Mondays. Just saying.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke and he's right you know. :)

Joanne Olivieri said...

Well, Duke is right. I personally want to see him gracing the pages of your blog at least three times a week :) For me, this is the perfect post, Duke and flowers. Both are fantastic shots.

As for Firefox, I don't use it anymore because it was causing havoc on my computer. I now use Chrome and am happy. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


Low Platelets Treatment

Anonymous said...

Purple lilies! gor-gee-ous!

I inadvertently downloaded the newest version of Firefox and lost my Google tool bar. I downloaded Chrome too - as I had before - didn't like it then, don't like it now...The interwebz is becoming monopolized by one or two companies and our choices are becoming more and more limited. I am not happy!

Antonella said...

Hmm... haven't had trouble with FireFox yet (but I've been a bad poster lately, so that could be why)... I didn't like Chrome the last time I used it, oh well... I will procrastinate until it stops working - lol!!

Duke is such a cutie! that may be the answer to all your troubles :-)

Hugs, antonella :-)

Erika said...

Duke is precious but the lilies are gorgeous:) Hope you get that day or relaxation soon.

BeadedTail said...

We were due for a Duke fix! Even irritated he's adorable! Love the purple flowers too! I'm using Google Chrome now although I don't really like it but I had that message on IE before and it wouldn't let me do things in blogger so I didn't have a choice.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Can't help you with the foxfire thing - but wanted to say how cute Duke looked. Love those purple day lilies - what a great color.

Have a restful Sunday ... hope you can sit back, kick your feet up and just plain relax.


Katie said...

You know I was just wondering about's good to see him. Happy or not!
It's good to see the purple lilies too...'cause I have never seen them before! They are beautiful!

Sharkbytes said...

Nice to see the happy Duke! I think Google is just doing more heavy handed promotion of Chrome. I'm still using FF.

Catherine said...

So far I am liking chrome. Keeping my fingers crossed!
xo C

Chatty Crone said...

I tried google chrome a long time ago - I hated it. Love old Duke though, he is so cute. sandie

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