Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Set another place for dinner

We weren't expecting anyone for dinner but it looks like we need to set another place.

Hey dad, what are we having?

MOM, HEY MOM, Where's mine?

Note to self: make sure all unoccupied chairs are pushed in before sitting down to eat.


Duni said...

Duke looks so CUTE sitting at the table like an extra guest :)
Did he get a treat?

allotments4you said...

Lol...I have a cat who continually does this...in fact I think he is slightly cheekier as he will jump into your seat as you pull it from under the table before you even get a chance to sit on it!!

Unknown said...

He is so CUTE ^_^ . I had a cat once and he was so funny, he was standing on his back paws and holding himself to the table with his front paws, begging for cheese. Boy, he loved cheese that fella.
Have a lovely day

Erika said...

I like your guest. He looks freshly groomed and dressed; and definitely well mannered. I bet he is better at the table than my 4 yro!

Hootin Anni said...

We have that too...also....TWO guests sometimes. LOL

Hey, I noticed your glass star centerpiece....looks elegant.

Catherine said...

A pup has got to try doesn't he?? :)
xo C

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for my first laugh of the morning. so cute so sweet so sad he has no plate of his own.

Chatty Crone said...

Hey he was very nicely mannered and dinner go on the table! sandie

Lin said...

Good try, Duke! Our Grace does that too and then she just stares at us like we are gonna serve her or something.

Anonymous said...

We had a poodle who used to eat at the table with us - he had better manners than some of the humans....

a paper {life} said...

oh my....he is so funny

Sandee said...

I would have fed you Duke. Not my food but some treats. That's what we do at dinner for Little Bit.

Have a woof woof day. My best to your mom. :)

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Am with you on pushing in the chairs - Julep will jump in my chair if I need to get something from the kitchen during dinner. Pushy little girl she is!

Keep cool ... Katie

Out on the prairie said...

Poor Duke, little spoiled dogs can't live on dog food alone.

Donna said...

Awwwww!!! No Plate for The Dukester?????Hahaaaaa

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Who can resist that sweet face! Not me!

BeadedTail said...

How could you resist that sweet face? I couldn't!

Unknown said...


Rose Clearfield said...

So true in our house, too!

Magia da Inês said...

♡♡♡ ♡♡♡
Passei para uma visitinha.
Estou encantadas com suas fotos.
A série de imagens do post anterior é simplesmente incrível.
Boa noiteeeeeeeeee!!!
♡♡♡ ♡♡♡

Reeni said...

So cute! How can you resist those Duke eyes? Moon does the same thing. Except he's a crybaby about it.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute post, Ann... How can you dare to eat in front of that sweetie pie --and now share? He wants some of your dinner also.... I can see it in his eyes...... ha ha


Marie said...

Duke is adorable! He has the sweetest face! How could you turn down that face! Did he get some yummy dinner??

marie said...

What a cute little dinner guest you have there!

Anonymous said...

But he looks so stinking cute in that chair peering up over the table top. LOL

Sharkbytes said...

I'm sure Duke doesn't think he's a d-o-g!

Helen said...

did he really sat there? so cute!

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