Saturday, July 7, 2012

Wooden it be nice

Last weekend while I was searching through my craft supplies for a totally unrelated item, I came across a few wood pieces and the wheels in my head started turning.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a cute little place to leave a note? Well I'm going to show you my version.
First off this is what I found,
A wood heart
A candle cup
and a clothespin

Then I dug in to the box of paints and mixed a couple colors together and then thinned it down with water to make a stain

I was thinking for a change and put some cardboard underneath where I was working.

When they were dry I glued the candle cup to the heart, set the clothespin in the cup and wrote the p.s. I love you on the heart.
Use the clothespin to hold your note and there you have it. A cute place to leave a note. After I finished this I got to wondering. Withe just about everyone on the face of the earth having a cell phone, do people ever leave notes any more?


Katie said...

This is a very cute idea! We leave notes all the time around my house but it's usually a post-it stuck to the microwave. Nothing cute about that, but it works.

Have a great weekend!

marie said...

Hey Ann - the last two comments from "Katie" were actually from me. I didn't realize my daughter had logged in on my lap top! Silly girl!

allotments4you said...

This is great Ann...I leave notes at home for my Hubby and kids at least 4 days a weeks...they are usually stuck to the fridge or stove with a know you could have even put a name at the end of the P.S. to personalise could make some the gifts or to sell at craft fairs. I think the personal touch is always so much nice. problem is I don't think I have any wood lying around!!

Duni said...

That is CUTE!
I usually just stick a Post-it on the kitchen door, but your way is much nicer :)

Donna said...

Cute idea! I leave notes to hubby still....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is really cute, i like it, but i don't think people leave notes anymore, BUT this would make a great way to put seating names on a table, or in the middle of the table. a sit down dinner for place settings. all kinds of ways to use it. like it is just as a decoration on a desk or table, or someones desk at work.

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice idea tfs!!!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Pretty cool idea!

Have a great weekend - Katie

Anonymous said...

I love that - I would buy that - but in a brighter color - post-it notes always fall down. Love the "P.S. I Love you" (Seriously - I WOULD buy that - in purple and yellow - HINT-HINT-HINT. Seriously - name your price.)

Erika said...

So cute! I like how you take something so simple and make it adorable. I will link to this in Monday's newsletter:)

Sandee said...

Now that's adorable. I love it, and since I don't have a cellphone I would use this.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Sheryl Hastings said...

I love this idea! I especially love the PS...I love you. Very creative and cute.

Out on the prairie said...

Cute idea,hope you have a nice weekend.

Marie said...

this is such a cute way to leave a note! I write list for myself every day and I make sure to leave love notes for my hubby everywhere. :)

BeadedTail said...

That is just so cute! I like the P.S. I love you too! We don't leave notes since I'm always here so if I go somewhere, I'm back before my hubby is anyway. :)

Hootin Anni said...

I like this....but, dear me, I still have yet to get my MOJO working sometime and make the pencil crochet piece you posted about some time ago. I haven't forgotten, I just haven't opened my crochet hook holder in some time.

Oh, and I love the "P S" addition.

Memories for Life said...

This is adorable!
I've seen clothes pins attached to hearts before and made into magnets, but your little vase adds such a fun extra touch!

Antonella said...

What a cute idea... you could even clip a picture on it... I imagine Duke knows whose picture it should be - lol.
Hugs, antonella :-)

Sharkbytes said...

Cute- note places in my house have to be nailed to the wall or they disappear

Connie Girl said...

Very cute! I leave myself notes all the time. Maybe I could actually keep up with them if I had something like this to clip them to. Great idea.

Reeni said...

That is adorable! I especially love the P.S!

Rose Clearfield said...

That is such a sweet idea and so simple. You're right that in the age of cell phones, a lot of people don't leave notes anymore. A text can never replace a handwritten message.

a paper {life} said...


what a great idea

Catherine said...

You are just the craftiest! Cute!
xo C

pasqueflower said...

Very cute! My hubby is hard of hearing, so I leave lots of notes.
And I write notes to myself -- daily To Do lists, etc.

Helen said...

what a neat idea! love it!

Kathleen said...

Haha - saw this in Erika's Big Girl Dreams newsletter and had to check it out. Very cute! Does it count if I leave notes for myself? Of course, I have also been known to call myself and leave a message... LOL

Chatty Crone said...

PS I love that! sandie

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