Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A gnome of my own

As much as I like Pinterest and enjoy collecting all the ideas and inspiration, some times I indulge myself by purchasing a craft magazine. There's nothing quite like getting it home and flipping through the pages. Searching for the first project to do is remininscent of flipping through the Sears Christmas catalog when I was a child.
I recently bought this one (sorry about the bad picture)

I found several projects that I want to do but first one the list was this

Oh but darn, I don't have all the materials needed to make one. No matter, a little shopping trip and I'll be good to go. WRONG! This is made with wood ball knobs and would you believe that I could not find them in the stores I was in? Just my luck, that's always happening to me. Again I say, "No matter, I'll wing it and make it a gnome of my own" And that is just what I did.

Instead of using wood balls for his head and body I used fabric. Mine doesn't look quite like the ones in the picture and he has no beard but I find him rather cute.
Here he is sitting on my desk guarding my keyboard while I'm away from my computer.

If by chance you don't hear from me today it could be that Sandy is causing problems. As I write this (Monday night to be scheduled for Tuesday morning) the rain is coming down in buckets and we are expecting high wids with gusts up to 60 mph. We are keeping a close watch on the basement because we always have a bit of a flooding problem. Tomorrow, if all goes well, I'll give you an update on how things are shaping up around here with the weather.


Dr Sonia S V said...

SO cute....and I cant resist a good craft book either!

crafty cat corner said...

You could almost turn that into a pin cushion.

Christine said...

Soooo cute and A* to you for being inventive - I just might have to try making some! Thanks for the inspiration!

Hootin Anni said...

Ohhhhhhhhhh, stay safe [and hopefully dry] in this megastorm!! It's scary to say the least.

And, Ann, I LOVE your gnome....the ol' wise protector of your keyboard!! You are so inspiring. I would love to have some of these for my very own.

Another thing, hope Duke is brave and weathers the weather beside you.

Duni said...

I love craft magazines! I still have some from 17 years ago :)
Your little gnome is so cute!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i hope all is well with you this morning, and no water in the basement. i like your gnome better than the one in the magazine. he is cuter, the other one is to tall and skinny. i bet styrofoam balls would work..

Chatty Crone said...

Hey Ann that is yet another great idea. He could be used for a lot of different things. I really love him! sandie

Tanyia said...

first I LOVE the title of this post! lol. You are too clever ... second your gnome is WAY cuter! I love it and I like the colors you did it in? I would like one please... omg when are you gonna open an Etsy store for all these cute things you make!

Anonymous said...

He totally put a smile on my face!

Remington said...

That is SO cute! Beth wants to make one now! Thanks for sharing, my talented friend!

Sandee said...

I think he's adorable. Adorable. You are so talented.

You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. Be safe.

Have a terrific day in spite of the storm. My best to Duke who's not going to like this weather. :)

BeadedTail said...

Yours is much cuter than the one in the magazine! Seriously! Hope you are safe and dry today!

a paper {life} said...

well I actually think yours is better :)

stay safe

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how cute, Ann. I love your gnome even better than the one in the magazine... He's precious...You need to give him a name! He's a cutie.

Hope you made it through the storm with no problems..

Dee said...

I would take your gnome home...he turned out adorable.I personally like a clean shaven gnome :)

Donna said...

Oh gosh, I hope that you weathered the storm OK! The little gnome is cute! It's good to change things up a bit so that your creations are your own!

Rose Clearfield said...

I agree that there is nothing like being able to flip through a craft book or magazine. Your gnome is adorable. Wishing the best to you and everyone affected by Sandy.

Lin said...

He is very cute!!

Hope all is well and that you didn't get any damage from the storm. We got the strong winds here, all the way in Chicago!

Reeni said...

So cute! Those hats get me every time. I hope all is good and the storm didn't hit you too bad.

Debra Dickinson said...

Oh my. Just read this. Love the gnome! Sending safe, warm & dry hugZ your way. Hopefully, Frankenstorm wasn't too terrible to you. I hope we hear from you very soon.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Kitties, ATTACK!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh no, where's the comments for Frankestien? i love him. where did you find him.

Sandee said...

Your Halloween post made me laugh out loud and here was my first thought, "Where did you get the picture of my ex husband." Bwahahahahahaha.

Have a terrific day and Happy Halloween to you and yours. My best to Duke. :)

Denise * KKL Primitives said...

Your gnome is adorable Ann!

Sheryl Hastings said...

I'm with you, I love to buy a craft magazine every now and then. Your little guy came out so cute, even cuter than the original. Now you are making me want to go out and buy that magazine! Oh heck, what's one more?

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I LOVE your little Gnome! I'd love to chisel out a little time to make a few. Endearing and yours kind of looks knowledgeable :)

Catherine said...

I love Christmas craft magazines. That's a cute little elf.
Hope you and Duke have a super happy halloween!
xo Catherine

Donna said...

Hope all is well with you!!!

Sharkbytes said...

I used to want to buy lots of craft mags and books, but I've somehow lost my interest. Cute little guy. But what do you do with all the cute stuff?

marie said...

I have this magazine and that cute gnome is one of my favorite things in it! I love your take on him! He's a perfect keyboard guard too.

I hope you're finding lots of time to craft...I hope I find time this weekend to do the same! Craft show in two weeks!!!

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