Monday, October 15, 2012

Meet my other friends Monday

Monday's are so much easier to deal with when I have a little help from my friends. Since I think I've got the greatest friends on earth I want to share them with everyone. Monday's are dedicated to the best bloggers I know, my pals. You could be next.

This weeks friend is Marie from Spun by Me. Marie and I share a lot of the same interests. We definitely share the love of crafting and she is a very talented lady. Craftiness isn't her only talent though, she also has a knack for being one of the sweetest people I've met in the blogosphere. Oh and she has some super cute little grandchildren that she shares on her blog too.

Take it away Marie
1) How long have you been blogging and what made you start?

I started blogging in July of 2008...the same year my first wo grandchildren were born. It's because of them that I started my blog. I wanted to have a venue to "show off" my sweet grandbabies to my mom and extended family living far away. It also seemed like a great way to "journal" about my life. I've never been real good at writing in a journal but I've stuck with my blog for over four I think hat' a good thing. A reallynice bonus to having the blog has been the nice people I've come to know!

2) What is one piece of advice you would give to a new blogger?

Blog for yourself. Don't dwell on what other people might want to read. Blog what matters to you. Blog with honesty. Blog without obligation. Don't worry about how many comments you get....just write from your heart (or your funny bone as the case may be). Hmmmm....I guess that's more than one piece of advice.......

3) Do you have any hobbies or special talents?

I love to read....wish I had more time to do it. I like to create too. I'm not a painter or a knitter or a sewer. I'm not an artist...I've decided that I'm a "maker of things". I just like to take stuff and make other stuff. Not sure that makes sense...but it's what I like to do. Of course I need to accumulate stuff, so I also really love thrifting. In fact, it's one of my very favorite things to do!

4) Of course you love all the blogs you visit but share a link to one of those and tell us why we should check it out.

One of my favorite blogs is Sweet Cottage Dreams. I've been reading Becky's blog almost as long as I've been writing mine. I love her decorating & her home, her writing, her dogs...I admire (so much) her faith in God. I live on the east coast, she lives on the west. Someday, I'd love to meet her!

5) What is the one things that totally makes you crazy?

Negative people. We all have "junk" in our lives...but I really try not to dwell on the "junk" in mine. I especially try not to share it regularly with others.

I love the Bible verse Philippians 4:8. "Whatever is true. Whatever is noble. Whatever is right. Whatever is pure. Whatever is lovely. Whatever is admirable. If anything is excellent or praiseworthy. Think about such things."

If we all did that....there'd be a whole lot less negative people to deal with. : )

6) Give one random though.

The word "listen" contains the same letters as the word "silent".


allotments4you said...

Great to ,meet you Marie...and I love your random is one I will remember and share with the children from now on!!

Duni said...

How lovely to meet Marie!
It seems so many people, myself included, started blogging in 2008.
Being a maker of things is great!
Love the random thought :)

john bain said...

That is the kind of random thought I shall be sharing today and pretending I thought of it. Brilliant!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I love Marie (and her kids and grandkids) too!

Catherine said...

Looks like a good one ~ I'll go check it out!
Have a terrific week Ann!
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love every word she wrote here. amen and amen to number 2 for sure. and the hardest thing for me to do listen since i am always talking. also feel the same about negative blogging. great post, glad to meet you Marie. and i love that verse to

marie said...

Thanks for featuring me today...that's so nice of you Ann!! And to Duke....thanks for letting your "mom" share a bit about her pals on her blog, but a day a week without Duke is hard to take!

Sandee said...

I love her random thought the very best. Awesome in fact.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Out on the prairie said...

What a great interview, a fun friend to have

Rose Clearfield said...

Another great interview! How sweet that she's been able to share her grandkids and other aspects of her family with so many people.

BeadedTail said...

I enjoyed meeting Marie today! She has good advice about blogging and I like her random thought.

Marg said...

Oh Mari sounds like my kind of person. I don't like negative people either. It sure doesn't do any good to be negative. Sounds like she has a terrific blog. We sure need to check that one out.

Dee said...

Marie is my kind of blogger :)

Jan Hennings said...


Lin said...

I like your blogging advice, Marie. I think too many bloggers are in it for money and/or a lot of followers. I say, let's have just a few and have fun together.

Chatty Crone said...

Glad to meet you too Marie! I like positiveness too!

Sharkbytes said...

Nice to meet Marie. I went over and said hi!

Helen said...

Nice to meet you Marie. Look at those beautiful faces!

Marie said...

I enjoyed getting to know Marie! I too love thrift store shopping! I guess we have more than just the same name in common.:)

Debra Dickinson said...

Whew! Am now all caught up - again. I love the Monday posts. Such a great idea. I love the things you got at the Christmas fair too! Now, that's on my dream list of travel places. That list and my "hope to read one day" blog list are in competition with each other to see which one can be the longest. LOL. HugZ! :)

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