Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Itty Bitty Pumpkin

I mentioned yesterday that I did a few "little" things on Sunday in hope of jump starting my craft ambition.
I kind of sort of but not exactly followed a tutorial that I saw for fabric tube pumpkins. (I would also give you a link to her blog but I get email updates and it's not in my reader and I can't for the life of me remember the name of the blog) Any way, I saw kind of sort of but not exactly followed the tutorial because I didn't actually read the tutorial yet. I pinned it to make later. Then Sunday night I was thinking about it and I had a little scrap piece of fabric sitting there. I figured just sew it into a tube, close up the ends, stuff it and stick in a stem. This is what I ended up with.

In case you are thinking that it doesn't look so itty bitty, here's another picture.

I'll eventually make some more in a bigger size but I kind of like this little one.


marie said...

LOVE the itty bitty pumpkin! Several of those would be so cute on a kitchen window sill!

Anonymous said...
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Duni said...

That little pumpkin is adorable! The stick looks like cinnamon ;-)

allotments4you said...

A very cute itty bitty pumpkin Ann..I think you did just great without the tutorial!!

bichonpawz said...

Super cute itty bitty pumpkin!!! Great job!!

crafty cat corner said...

I like that, very rustic

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh... it's perfect as an itty bitty. Great fabric too!

Christine said...

My it is tiny but I love it!

Helen said...

the first picture didn't tell much and the second photo, oh my! so cute!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad you did the palm of the hand perspective shot, it is adorable. is that a cinnamon stick in it? great shot in the first one and it does look bigger there. i like the lighting in that shot

Debra Dickinson said...

You are amazing! I consider myself crafty but not in a million years would I be able to make that on the fly. Just way too cute! You are such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing!

Remington said...

That is SO cute! You are creative, my friend!

Anne said...

That is so adorable. I had no idea the stem was a cinnamon stick until I saw the close up in your hand. It is adorable.

Sandee said...

It is an itty bitty pumpkin indeed. Had you not held it I would have thought it was much bigger. It's adorable.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Anonymous said...

It kinda looks like a strawberry to me - maybe it's the pattern on the fabric.

Rose Clearfield said...

What a sweet little piece! I love miniatures. I'm sure that it would be beautiful in larger sizes, too, though.

Catherine said...

Dear Ann, These are adorable and I like the cinnamon stick for a stem.
Blessings dear. Catherine

BeadedTail said...

Well isn't that cute? Is that Duke's rawhide chew?

jp@A Green Ridge said...

It is an itty bitty, isn't it?...:)JP

Out on the prairie said...

Nice idea, it looks fun to make.

Dee said...

Looks like you got a new jump start to your crafting. These little pumpkins are adorable. Is there nothing you can't do ? :)

Chatty Crone said...

It's a cutie!

Reeni said...

So cute! I like the rustic look of it.

Lin said...

Oh, it IS tiny!! Very cute! I think a few of different sizes would be very cute on a shelf or table.

Marie said...

It's so cute! I like the pic where you are holding it, it's so itty bitty adorable!

Sharkbytes said...

Cute! And the cinnamon would smell so nice.

Unknown said...

Are you sure that ain't a strawberry?

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