Monday, October 8, 2012

Meet my other friends Monday

Monday's are so much easier to deal with when I have a little help from my friends. Since I think I've got the greatest friends on earth I want to share them with everyone. Monday's are dedicated to the best bloggers I know, my pals. You could be next.

My friend this week is Helen from Lets Create. Helen hails from my home state, Pennsylvania but we aren't close enough that we have ever met in person. She is one very crafty lady and makes the most beautiful paper creations as well as crochet. I had the honor of receiving 2 of her gorgeous cards a while back. She's such a sweetheart. But enough of my rambling, lets turn it over to Helen.

Oh and Helen, I hope you don't mind but I snagged a few of your lovely items from your blog to share with today's readers.

1) How long have you been blogging and what made you start?

I have been blogging for a little over three years now. I've always wanted a wed site/blog to share all my creations and also to make new friends, since the first World Wide Wed started. But since I am computer challenged and back then it wasn't as easy as now to have a blog so I waited and waited. I was also waited for my husband to create a web site for me. One day I couldn't wait any longer so I served the web and found out that I can have a blog for free and it wasn't that difficult and three years later here I am sharing, learning, and making new friends.

2) What is one piece of advice you would give to a new blogger?

Blogging needs time. Post what you are good at and what you are enjoy doing. Visit, comment, and follow other blogs that are interested to you. Do not use dark color as your blog background. It's very difficult to read the text. Be consistent post 2 to 3 times a week to keep you readers interest. Oops! Is that more than one advices? :)

3) Do you have any hobbies or special talents? Does speaking more than one languages a talent? Other wise, all my hobbies and talents are all on my blog.

4) Of course you love all the blogs you visit but share a link to one of those and tell us why we should check it out.
This one is hard so I am going to skip this question and I knew you'll understand.

5) What is the one things that totally makes you crazy?
Only one? Then it's sound. Every time my backyard neighbor mowed his lawn, it drives me (us) crazy because his lawn mower is broken so it didn't cut so well and it cut sooooo s-l-o-w. It made a wire sound every time he mows his lawn. My craft room is at the back of our house facing the guy's lawn so when he mowed his lawn I had to close all the windows in our house and turned on the music a little louder than I'd like. Thank goodness the lawn mowing season is almost over for us.

6) Give one random though.
What's for dinner?


marie said...

So nice to meet Helen...I'm off to visit her now.

bichonpawz said...

It is very nice to meet Helen...I will pop over and say hello! Thanks for the introduction!!

Marg said...

Good to meet Helan. Glad you introduced us to her. We sure will go visit her. Have a great week.

Dr Sonia S V said...

Ann...I am such a big fan of Helen's I can even identify her work and I had to look twice on my dashboard when I saw her creation...Loved to know a little bit more about someone I admire a lot. Helen is one crafter I look up to and she was so encouraging when I first started blogging.A very special and talented lady and if I remember rightly I think I got to know you through her blog only from one of the comments you left her!

Antonella said...

So nice to meet Helen today! Such a fun way to meet others... Hugs, antonella :-)

allotments4you said...

Nice to meet you Helen...and you have some lovely creations.

Tanyia said...

What pretty creations Helen has!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Just catching up on my blog post readings ... it was nice to get to know Helen via your blog. Duke is looking good and I can tell he likes to sniff around the yard.

Have a great week - don't work to hard and have fun being your creative self.

All the best to you ... Katie

Chatty Crone said...

Nice to meet Helen. Love the picture frame. sandie

Helen said...

I'm blushing! the pictures look nice on your blog. Thanks for featuring me today, Ann. You have some lovely readers.

Out on the prairie said...

i like this,it is always fun to meet new people

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those little shoes are adorable. our neighbor has put his TV outside on the back porch which is spitting distance from our bedroom and he plays it so loud it wakes me up, he is playing preaching tapes by a woman with a loud monotonous voice and it plays for hours and hours.

Sandee said...

All her crafts are awesome, but those baby shoes rock like nobodies business. Too cute.

We have barking dogs. Sometimes they bark most of the day. Drives me up the wall.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Rose Clearfield said...

Helen's work is beautiful. The shoes are really adorable. Your blogging friends have all offered great advice to fellow bloggers.

Anne said...

She is certainly very talented. I really love her work.

Catherine said...

You have a lot of interesting bloggy friends!
xo Catherine

BeadedTail said...

It was fun to meet Helen today! She's very talented too!

Marie said...

You have so many wonderful blogging friends. :) Helen looks quite talented as well. :)

Sharkbytes said...

I went over and said hi to Helen. She makes nice things.

Dee said...

I love meeting your new friends. :)

Hootin Anni said...

Ya....what IS for dinner? LOL

I'm confessing, I agree with the 'sound' - loud sounds period. Especially traffic. But I live in an area that has 6 lane freeways heading to the beach, and you just can't avoid it. Drives me nuts. Love the crocheted beauties. Ann, this is such a great concept to have your Monday posts like this.

Reeni said...

It's great to meet Helen! Her crafty creations are gorgeous!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sounds like a very creative lady, Ann... Bet she's no more creative than you are though!!!!!

Cold here this week. We have been enjoying a fire in the fireplace all week... Love it!!!


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