Monday, February 16, 2015

Project 365 week 6

2/8  A cherry pie to satisfy my sweet tooth when I went on break.

2/9 A day spent playing in my computer/craft room. I sort of lost the top of my desk with all the mess

2/10 The end of a work day it's always nice to come home, grab a cup of coffee and settle in for some blog reading.

2/11 I finished up my art journal page and I was quite pleased with how it came out.

2/12 On a roll first thing in the morning. This is the roll dough before it was put in the proof box. What's a proof box? It's a box that all the dough goes into and a combination of heat and humidity helps to make it rise.

2/13 Friday the 13th was a busy day getting sweets ready for Valentines Day.

2/14 Snow, wind and VERY cold temperatures made for a hibernating Valentines Day.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Ah, your week! I love these. Also how cool to see what you are baking and get a short lesson about the proof box. I want to eat one of those cupcakes. I bet you were slammed on Valentines Day!

Deb said...

Great week in pictures Ann, I bet you were very happy at the bakery when Valentine's was over!

Rick (Ratty) said...

Your cherry pie reminds me of my eternal quest to find non-Hostess pies. I like them all, but I only find the other brands on rare occasions, and then never again.

Duni said...

That art journal page is awesome! Bet you were glad when the Valentines rush was over ;-)
Take care and stay warm!

bichonpawz said...

Excellent page Ann! Love all your pics! I have downloaded the Project365 App on my ipad and it works great on both my phone and the ipad...super easy to put together pages! It is FRIGID here too!!

Out on the prairie said...

I saw a sign for fried pies the other day. My grandmother used to make them for us.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you had a busy week, sorry about the cold part. love the Cherry Pie part best of all. i do love cherry pie..

Christine said...

A busy and productive week I'd say! Good going!

Grace said...

Busy week - it looks like your keyboard is in peril of becoming a craft project! The smell of fresh bread is a great way to start the day but I'm betting it was way, way early in the morning.

Sandee said...

What a week. Lots of activity and I'm sorry it was so cold on Valentines Day.

I know you enjoyed your three day weekend.

Have a terrific day. My best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Sheryl Hastings said...

Sounds like a full week. I just have one question.......why no picture of Gibbs? He's not going to like this one bit.

The chocolate treats look yummy!

Helen said...

Busy week you had! The breads must smell so good when they come out of the oven.

BeadedTail said...

I enjoy seeing your weeks especially when you begin and end with sweets! How's Gibbs supposed to fit on top of that messy craft desk to help you?

Unknown said...

'Tis evil to hunger and thirst after craftiness. REPENT!!!

Sharkbytes said...

I am enjoying these day by day collections. Gives me a deeper peek into your life.

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