Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Documented Life Project

February Theme
Layers You Will Love!
February 14
Art Challenge:  Cover Up Good Stuff
Journal Prompt:  Going Undercover

For some reason an umbrella was stuck in my head when I started this page so that's what I went with.
At one point while I was doing the background I thought this was going to be a complete waste because it was starting to look pretty ugly. The more layers I added thought the more it all came together.

The umbrella top was cut from a piece of scrapbook paper and I drew the lines on with a marker. The handle and the raindrops were drawn on a piece of tissue paper. I glued the tissue paper to the page then glued on the umbrella top.

The words at the top of the page were also done on tissue paper and glued to the page. With a marker I added words around the top of the umbrella and along the handle.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never seen anything like this. It is all so cohesive with the pretty rain theme. It seems much more complex than it looks, but the effect is awesome!!

bichonpawz said...

You and I could have a great time together playing with markers! LOVE this page Ann! Happy Saturday to you!

Out on the prairie said...

I wondered if with all the cold and snow you were ready to sing in the rain.It would be nice, just saw spring flowers from down south.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i really like the background done with tissue paper, gives it a really nice texture. i like this one a lot, it might be my favorite.

Christine said...

Love the look of the page! The saying rings very true also!

Dee said...

LoL I am still laughing at your selfie. As soon as my family moves out in a couple of weeks I am diving into making journals.Yours give me a lot of inspiration.

Grace said...

That's amazing...I like the closeup detail photo and would really like to see it much bigger so I can see ALL the detail. (Tissue paper - Hard to glue?)

BeadedTail said...

I love that! It would make a beautiful print!

Sandee said...

It's adorable. Adorable. You are so talented.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Marie said...

I like Wonderful World on your unbrella and the details of the rain drops. So pretty, Ann!

Donna said...

I really like this one! Such beautiful textures and colors. Have you thought about taking photos or high-quality scans of your artwork and then have some photo cards printed up?

Sharkbytes said...

Neat! I used to be considered a creative person, but whenever I try to do spontaneous things like this they just come out a mess.

Deb said...

Oh that is your best one yet Ann,love it!!

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