Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Documented Life Project

January Theme
The Blank Page and How to Face It!
January 31
Art Challenge:  Under Paper (paper on your work table that gets all inky while you work)
Journal Prompt:  What Lies Beneath?

Under paper? Really? Before I got started I checked out some of the featured artists to see how they did this. I considered starting from scratch and creating an "under paper". Then I found a magazine page that I had used to paint something on so I just used that. It's not pretty but what the heck.

I started by scribbling around the edge of the page with a brush marker and then a different shade marker and a gel pen. I stamped the swirls all over the page, glued down a scrap of lace, then glued down my "under paper". I used a little bit of washi tape on the corners of the paper too. I glued down some buttons and the bit at the top with the journal prompt written on it. Then with a pencil I added a thought at the top and bottom in sloppy hand writing. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

You can make ANYTHING look pretty!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Under Paper? i had visions of laying toilet tissue on the lip to the public rest rooms... glad you explained what they meant.. and I agree with Ginny, you can make anything pretty..

bichonpawz said...

Totally agree...anything you make comes out looking great! Thanks for sharing Ann!

Out on the prairie said...

You have good cursive, a lost art.

Marg said...

I think that is all very interesting. I could never have thought of all that. Have a great Saturday.

Christine said...

How inventive! I think it works so well!

Sandee said...

You have a crafty brain and can see stuff that would pass me right by. That's awesome.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

I don't know how you think of the things you do but once again it turned out fabulous!

Sharkbytes said...

Well, this inspired one creative idea in my head, but some of these I don't "get"

marie said...

My "under paper" is usually covered in hot glue bumps and lumps! Might make for an interested art piece!

I like your magazine under paper!

Deb said...

Great page Ann, sometimes those under papers can be very lovely, sometimes not so much! Yours turned out great.

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