Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Gibbs Report

Good morning all my blogging friends. It is VERY cold here this weekend. Our high temperature for today is only supposed to be 1 degree. That means when I have business to attend to outside I do it very quickly and then go back in the house. It's funny watching mom and dad put all those clothes on just for a quick, less than a minute, trip out to the back yard.

So what did the big furry hat say to the warm woolen scarf?

You hang around while I go on ahead

In Alaska, what do chef's call "Baked Alaska"?

Baked Here

Please don't make those funny groaning noises about my jokes. It hurts my feelings. See that's my sad "would you please play with me so I feel better " look. Besides it was my moms idea to tell those jokes so it's not my fault.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I actually love the jokes! Oh Gibbs, you are cuter than ever!! I wish I could pick you up for a cuddle and kisses. I think you want to go back inside is what I get from the first picture! Even though you do look lovely in your red coat.

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. Wind chill of minus twenty tonight and it feels like the house will blow down. Many churches have cancelled.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thinking that sad look gets you just about anything you want when you want it... you look so cute while freezing your patootie off.. 1? did you say 1? yowsa and yikes

Antonella said...

Brrrr.... it is cold... I a dreading go outside today, do I really have to be part of society and engage in conversation and gatherings? Have a great one!
Antonella :-)

stevebethere said...

Aww! how cute and that face heheh! oh and btw i laughed at your joke heheh!

have a snowtastic day and thanks for sauntering by ;-)

Grace said...

I thought the Mama was going to get you boots. Where are your boots? Poor cold little baby...

Sandee said...

Your jokes are wonderful Gibbs. Thanks for having a Gibbs report too. I like that.

Have a woof woof Sunday. My best to your wonderful mom. :)

Out on the prairie said...

Mine think dog clothing is a toy and disrobe each other fast. Hard for them to figure out what it does.

Donna said...

It is cold here too, and close to zero with the wind chill factor. Going to get a snow storm tomorrow. I need to go look for the shovel!

Connie said...

One degree . . . poor Gibbs.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I Love your jokes! Keep warm, little buddy! Raider hates his hoodie. When I put it on him he sits down a pretends he can't walk. But I drag him out anyway. I don't think he is finishing his business though. Just Too COLD!

Sharkbytes said...

Well, that face is pretty sad. The jokes weren't THAT bad, Gibbs.

Marie said...

love your red sweater! 1?? I'll quit crying about our low this week of 5. :) son says there were snowflakes last night but, I didn't see them. as far as your face, I just want to give you a kiss! :)

Lin said...

Oh, you poor thing! I can't imagine having to go outside to do your business in this weather! :( Stay on the path, little guy! And be quick about it!

Deb said...

That face is just too, too adorable, how can anyone ever say no to you or not laugh at your very clever jokes Gibbs?!

Duni said...

I thought those jokes were very funny, Gibbs!! look adorable in the red sweater :) sure looks freezing in your neck of the woods!

Donna said...

Omgggg! What a little lover!! You have to look far and wide for this much cuteness Ann!!
He's a Doll!

Ida said...

Gibbs you are adorable. I don't blame you for doing your business and hurrying back inside. The jokes were fun, keep them coming and don't look sad.

Reeni said...

If you look in the dictionary under 'puppy dog eyes' I'm sure your face is there! You look so handsome in your sweater Gibbs!

CrystalChick said...

Haha! The jokes were funny.
Gibbs, it's cold here, too! Snow fell last night, maybe about 4 inches. It's melting now, yay!
You are a cutie! :)

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