Monday, February 23, 2015

Project 365 week 7

Can you believe that we are already looking back on the 7th week of the year? Even more amazing is that I've kept this up for that long.

2/15 Sunday was a vacation day for me and since Wade and I hadn't gone out for breakfast in a long time we thought we would. However in order to get out of the driveway shoveling had to be done.

2/16 Don't let that sunshine fool you. We started the day out at -22 degrees

2/17 Running water never looked so good. In the morning before we left for work the water was coming out at a slow trickle and we couldn't even flush the toilet. I was a bit nervous leaving for work afraid of what we might come home to. Apparently there had been a water main break down the road. I went home at lunch to check on things and by then the water was running fine again. Such a relief that it wasn't frozen pipes.

2/18 I want to curl up under a blanket but someone else wants to play.

2/19 The head cold or whatever it is I've got was hitting full force. I took a picture of this ugly painting hanging in our break room at work. Good thing I did because it's the only one I took all day. I went home,hit the couch and went right to sleep. Didn't even touch the computer.

2/20 Still feeling horrible, left work at 11:15 and took home some cold medicine and chicken noodle soupl

2/21 spent the day in my pajamas lounging around, resting and catching up on blog reading. There was still time for a rousing game of tug of war though


Rick (Ratty) said...

Tug of war is a very important game to some individuals. My dog makes me play that and fetch several times a day.

Duni said...

Gibbs looks adorable in the pics :) Hope you're feeling better today, Ann!

Deb said...

This year is going frighteningly fast, January and February used to drag along forever but now they have running shoes on! Hope you are feeling better Ann and that the weather starts to smarten up for you, -22 is just too dang cold! Glad your pipes weren't frozen, now that's a very scary thought :O(

bichonpawz said...

Gibbs looks so cute!! I hope your cold is better now and I am proud of you for keeping up your Project Life! It's tough to keep it up! I have downloaded it on my ipad so it is a bit easier to do it digitally!! It is SO COLD here again...minus 35 tonight...unbelievable!

Out on the prairie said...

hope you shake your crud, you have a good nurse

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hope you are feeling better today.. and tug of war is one of Jake's favorite games to..he prefers playing with his sister but she is to old to tug .. just like me. you are doing great on your project life... keep it up

Grace said...

Running water and no frozen pipes - A Good Thing! Maybe you should do some art work for the break room!

Sandee said...

Awww, Gibbs is so adorable I linked him to Awww Mondays. He's just so cute.

Have a woof woof day Gibbs. My best to your hard working mom. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

So how do you feel now? You know how I love your weekly collages! Especially Gibbs playing. We did not shovel our driveway because we are too old! Phil drove back and forth till it packed down, no joke!! Young shovelers do not come around knocking anymore!! We hate that, someone said they now need a license. So much for young kids finding some extra money in the winter. The high today is to be 26.

Annesphamily said...

Awww....feel better soon! This will make you smile no matter how crummy you feel. It made my morning smile! Thanks for sharing.

Kathe W. said...

very nice pics! Love the tug of war!

BeadedTail said...

Brrrr, that's cold! Hope you're feeling better! Gibbs is just so darn cute!

Reeni said...

Hope you're feeling better! Love the picture of the sunrise!

Lin said...

Oh, I hope you are feeling better. Lots of germs going around these days. Mine settled in my eyeballs last week--I looked a MESS!

I'm tired of snow. Are you, too?

Sharkbytes said...

I sure don't know where the year has gone, but at least we may be approaching spring.

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