Friday, March 20, 2015

Pint size art

I've been sort of fascinated with all the ATC's that I see all over the internet. ATC stands for artist trading card.  They are a 2.5" x 3.5" little piece of artwork.

I've read that many people use playing cards as the base for their ATC's. Since I had an old deck of cards that wasn't being used I gave it a try.

The back of the card generally gives information such as title, card number and date, artists name and any other relevant information. One blog I visited the woman used hers as random act of kindness cards. The fronts all had motivational quotes and the back explained that it was a Random act of kindness and it belonged to whoever found it. She would then leave them in various places for people to find and keep.

What's on the back of mine? Right now nothing. It still looks like a playing card. The pretty side is done though.

Happy First day of spring everyone.


Debra Dickinson said...

Love this idea! As always, uber talent. Thx for sharing. Happy 1st day of spring 2u2 (& Gibbs).

MadSnapper n Beau said...

super fantastic thing to do. who knows who might need one and find it when they do... this ones is so sweet..

Duni said...

omg, I LOVE it!!
You should really think about opening an Etsy shop to sell your art pieces :)

Out on the prairie said...

I have seen blank cards for this at that Hobby Lobby place.

Christine said...

What a nice idea! I've not come across ATC's before.
I really like how yours looks and the quote!

Sandee said...

What a great idea too. I like it. You are so talented.

Have a fabulous first day of spring too. My best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

I love it - I love your creative mind.

WE said...

This is really interesting, great idea :)

Marie said...

I've seen those cards. I love your card, so pretty and the words are so true!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love it!!!! I have never heard of these? Would you make a few and then sell them? I would love them!

Unknown said...

I love this idea, you are so creative!

Connie said...

Hello Ann, Your card is lovely and what a lovely thing this lady is doing with her's . . . I've always wanted to try making them and doing a swap with other interested artists, but these little acts of kindness are so sweet. Are you going to try doing this too?
Have a lovely weekend.

Mariodacatsmom said...

What a lovely idea. Your card is beautiful.

Sharkbytes said...

Very cute. Of course it makes me want to do it, but I never will.

Deb said...

Wonderful ATC Ann, aren't they fun to make?! Perfect little pieces of art and so easy to send in the mail if you are gifting them. Hope to see many more from you, this one is so lovely!

marie said...

LOVE this!
I used to make ATCs. So much fun...because you get (relatively) instant gratification!

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