Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Documented Life Project

Another week, another page. I had planned on posting pictures that would have shown more of a start to finish process for this weeks page but my cell phone didn't want to send me those pictures. I don't get the best signal at home for sending emails and I didn't feel like doing it through the wi-fi  so you get what you get.

March Theme
Making Your Mark (Doodles & Mark Making)
March 7
Art Challenge:  As A Layer Element
Journal Prompt:  Surviving the Elements

It started out by drawing/doodling on the page with pencil. Next I started coloring things in with markers and pens. After that I glued on some yellow tissue paper for the sun. Then it was a combination of stamps, paint, markers, and glued on paper.

The tissue paper wrinkled a bit when I was gluing it down and I'm glad that it did because it gives it an interesting texture.

And here is the finished page

The hill that the tulips are on isn't what I was going for but no matter how much I played around with it I could not get the look I wanted. Overall I was pretty happy with the way it turned out.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Awesome! I love the deep purple tulips, and the big sun that is overlooking it all.

marie said...

Ahhh...Spring! Now that's a wonderful reward!!
Love the texture and color in this Ann.

Rick (Ratty) said...

Makes me think of the warm weather that's finally getting here.

Unknown said...

Tulips, I love them. These looks great.
Have a great weekend, as for me having a cold but it won't stop me from creating :)

Christine said...

Yes time to celebrate both springs arrival and another great page, Ann. Love the color of the tulips.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the close up shots of the tulips and so happy you survived the elements and were able to make something beautiful from it.. i like the spring flags a lot

crafty cat corner said...

You certainly need a reward with the weather you have had.
Reading about how you made it I'm wondering what your work surface looks like, is it messy, mine would be. lol

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice, am looking forward to seeing tulips in bloom. I put in 100 more in my yard, but the critters like to eat them each year.

BeadedTail said...

Very pretty! I hope your tulips poke through that snow soon!

Sandee said...

Yes, but the reward is indeed spring. I know how much you've been waiting for spring to arrive. Gibbs too.

Have a terrific day. My best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

The colors were added after you laid down the tissue paper - yes? Again, I find the process very interesting.

Sharkbytes said...

I sure have been thinking about hanging clothes outside!

Deb said...

Great page Ann, love how you can just get hints of the doodling you did underneath, great result!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

And you made them purple!!!...:)JP

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