Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Gibbs Report

Hello and welcome to another edition of the Gibbs Report. The only report you need to read. If I don't woof about it it's not worth hearing about.

Believe it or not we had more snow again yesterday. If this keeps up I'm going to be needing some longer legs or my peeps are going to have to shovel more of the yard.

Yesterday mom went off and left me. She said she had to go to therapy. Whatever that is they must give you presents because she came home with some bags of stuff. Most of it was artsy fartsy stuff that's barely worth chewing on but one bag had a really cool ball just for me. I think she kind of likes me cuz she's always bringing me home stuff like that.

I guess today I'll be hanging on the couch with dad and seeing how many times I can make him take me outside. He really enjoys going out and watching  me sniff the snow.

That's it for now. Have a woof woof day


Ginny Hartzler said...

Hi Gibbs! I always look forward to your reports, and your pint sized view of things. Your picture today is so cute! Is mom really going to some kind of therapy? Maybe P.T.?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are so RIGHT Gibbs, if you don't say it, it aint worth saying. still laughing about how much dad LOVES to take you out in the snow. brahahaha. you look just adorable with hiding in all that texture...can't wait to see what mom creates from the artsy fartsy baggie waggie

Out on the prairie said...

Pretty funny, I look forward to his report

Grace said...

Since football season is over, I expect Dad is very happy to take you outside (snort!). Sorry about the snow, we are thawing nicely after the early in the week ice/snow event.

Sandee said...

I always enjoy reading your reports Gibbs. You write so well and your take on things makes me smile.

Have a woof woof day. My best to your hard working peeps. :)

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Mr. Gibbs you are the cutest! Hope you have a great day hanging out with Daddy Wade ...

Ann - I love the High 5 work of art - this should be framed ...

Have a great day and hope you get some snow melt today. Katie

Sheryl Hastings said...

Ha ha Gibbs! Don't you just love to do that to mom and dad? I always do that and mom stands there and tells me to hurry up because she's cold. But she doesn't understand how important it is to sniff every bit of snow, bushes, and trees. They just don't get it....

Love, Bubba

BeadedTail said...

As long as your mom's therapy involves bringing home something for you, we hope she keeps going!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Oh Gibbs, you have your parents trained well since they cater to even your sniff addiction. Take care of Mom...she does do good work!....:)JP

Lin said...

Hopefully all that snow will melt...but then there will be muddy paws to wipe. Ugh. BUT...I'm sure Mom and Dad will enjoy that too. ;)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Nice to hear you are enjoying life and getting lots of treats. You have a really great mom!

Deb said...

Love your reports Gibbs, all the news that's fit to bark about! Enjoy your new ball and taking Dad out for walks in the snow ☺

Sharkbytes said...

You've sure got your mom figured out.

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