Monday, March 9, 2015

Project 365 week 9

3/1 As I was leaving work I snapped this picture of the back of the building. It's covered with icicles that go from the roof to the ground. I wouldn't want to be standing next to one of those things if it decided to break free from the roof

3/2 I hate hiccups and the only thing that will cure them for me is a big old spoonful of peanut butter.

3/3 Those are raindrops on the sliding glass door. With all the snow we have out there now this rain is not going to help. Especially since it's turning everything to ice

3/4 Rush hour traffic in my little town

3/5 When nothing else inspires you, take a picture of soap suds in the sink.

3/6 The big beautiful moon was following me to work. I pulled over in a safe spot to take picture of it through a very dirty windshield

3/7 A little retail therapy. I went to A.C. Moore and finally spent the $20 gift card that I got for Christmas.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Did you buy green St. Pat's things? The peanut butter looks delish! We used to eat a teaspoon of sugar. Those icicles could be lethal weapons! Someone should break them off.

Deb said...

Those icicles are amazing! And peanut butter to cure hiccups? Never heard of that, will have to give it a try. Hope the icy rain has stopped and what did you buy at AC Moore?! Inquiring minds would like to know ;O)

Rick (Ratty) said...

That last picture tells us that the first picture won't be here much longer.

Duni said...

Those icicles are scary looking ;-)
I don't like having hiccups either, so my trick is to swallow big gulps of water while bending actually works!

bichonpawz said...

I don't like hiccups either! Those icicles are VERY dangerous! ACMoore is one of my favorite stores, yet the one nearest to me closed down. I really miss it!!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hiccups can easily be cured...when you get them, simply, stop, inhale, then say out loud your mother's full given is the concentration that helps...:)JP

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have not had hicups in years and i bet it is because i eat peanut butter ever day of my life... scary looking icicles.. hope your sun shines soon

Out on the prairie said...

I never heard of using peanut butter for hiccups.

Grace said...

Peanut butter for hiccups? Interesting. I don't think I could eat a spoonful of peanut butter without gagging...good thing I rarely get hiccups!

Sandee said...

Hubby is addicted to peanut butter. He can take the jar and a spoon and just eat and eat and eat. He's always surprised that 1 pound of peanut butter can make him gain 5 pounds. Bless his heart.

Love all the shots, but I'm ever so happy that I don't live in snow country.

Have a fabulous day. My very best to Gibbs. :)

BeadedTail said...

At least you had a little green in your week! I hadn't heard of peanut butter as a cure for hiccups before. I just drink water until they stop which I guess is the same as holding your breath since I don't breathe while I'm drinking. I don't like hiccups!

Lin said...

I always use a spoonful of sugar for hiccups. Never heard of the peanut butter treatment.

Marie said...

those icicles look dangerous and big!!
where is the happy dog? somewhere looking cute and wagging his tail? :)

Marie said...

I have never heard of peanut butter for hiccups, but I'm willing to try it. :)

Helen said...

Is that true with the peanut butter take a way hiccups? I can't believe you kept AC Moore gift card for 3 months. I would hold it for 3 days the most.

Sharkbytes said...

I actually like that soapsuds picture the best!

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