Sunday, September 13, 2015

My day off

Saturday, my day off, and what did it do?

It rained

Did I let it get me down? Heck no. I got my cleaning done in the morning and then I went and made a mess in my craft room.

Even Gibbs joined me to help out with the crafting.

OK it was more like Gibbs joined me to beg me to toss the ball around but close enough.


Pat said...

Oh yes, definitely craft room on a rainy day - and how adorable young Gibbs is. He's a wonderful assistant already, reminding you to take time out, so you don't sit too long! ;-) xx

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Gibbs looks just like Jake does. he lays looking up at me like Woe is me, Daddy is watching racing and mommy is on the computer and i want to play/go outside. glad you had fun making a mess...

Out on the prairie said...

Sometimes I have to watch moving my chair, too many pets.

Marg said...

Oh Gibbs you are just so cute. I bet you are trying to help the Mom. If you help her for awhile, maybe she will throw that ball for you. Looks like some good stuff going on there.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Wow what a collection of crafting items ... and you are right to get those mushrooms out of Mr. Gibb's line of sight.

Enjoy the sunny Sunday ... Katie

Sandee said...

I think Gibbs helped more than you know.

Have a terrific day. Big hugs to you and my very best to that handsome Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Agent 54 said...

I'm off today. Football! I'm off Wed. Writing day.

Grace said...

That's what rainy days are for - a chore or two and then something that makes you happy.

Deb said...

Glad you were able to have a creative, crafty day and Gibbs looks like he was a great help!

Ida said...

Good way to spend a rainy day & Gibbs looks way to cute there. Did you toss the ball for him?

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