Tuesday, November 8, 2016

If at first you don't succeed...

...ask the dog for help.

Since yesterday was my day off I thought I would do some crafting. The first thing I tried I ran into a snag. I quit that and tried another. Same thing. Snagged again. So then I thought forget the crafting and go get that haircut you've been wanting. Turned out to be the worst haircut I've had in a long time. I tried one more craft project that didn't turn out too bad but Gibbs thought it was best that I wait till tomorrow to show you any of those. Instead you get a before and after Gibbs picture.

He was giving me his guilty look because I had just scolded him for barking like a fool.

I changed the orientation from portrait to landscape, adjusted the lighting, sharpened the whole picture then did an orton effect. I erased parts then sharpened his eyes. I added a couple of textures and VOILA!!!

Tomorrow I'll be back with the craft projects


Ginny Hartzler said...

This is an AMAZING change! I wish I knew instinctively what kind of editing to do to pictures. Poor little Gibbsie, he looks so pitiful. As in downcast and pathetic. Dogs sure know how to do that to make us feel guilty.

bichonpawz said...

Wow! He looks awesome Ann! Oh, I do know THAT face!!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Oooh what a transformation...beautiful !!

Marg said...

Good job Ann. Gibbs looks fantastic.

Latane Barton said...

I am assuming you used Picmonkey... well, maybe not but anyway, don't you just love what you can do with editing. Gibbs took on a whole new look and those eyes just pop now.

Marie said...

it's so much brighter! awww that sweet face of Gibbs...he looks guilty. lol! hugs & kisses to him!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the first one the 2nd I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT... I actually laughed out loud at the expression and bob said what are you laughing at... just tooooooo cute for words.

Sandee said...

I hate bad haircuts and they take forever to correct themselves. Lots of work too. Bugger.

Poor Gibbs looks heartbroken. I think you hurt his feelings something awful.

Have a fabulous day Ann. Big hug to you and lots of extra scritches to Gibbs. He's adorable. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

Bummer on the failed craft attempts and the bad haircut. Gibbs looks so sad. He is mighty cute though! Hope today is much better for you!

Grace said...

Mr. Gibbs, looking good.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

WOW!!! What textures did you use? Love it! Golden Woofs, SUGAR

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the photos. Sorry about your haircut!

Jeanette said...

Aww...gotta love those eyes!

Out on the prairie said...

How could you talk mean to a face like that. Poor Baby!Lots of craft shows this weekend.

Deb said...

ADORABLE! ❤ 🐶 ❤ Deb xo

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