Saturday, November 5, 2016

What happened to taking pride in your work?

Maybe it's just me but when I do a job I want the quality of my work to say that I cared about what I was doing. It doesn't matter how important or menial the task is. I see everything I do as a reflection on me and the kind of person I am. I don't want my work to say I'm lazy or sloppy. I think that concept is lost on a lot of people these days.

In the deli/bakery area that I work in, I'm the first one in every morning. I walk in to a pig sty on a regular basis. It drives me crazy. One of the first things I'm hit with every morning is how filthy the floor is even though someone claimed to have mopped it. When I have the time I'll occasionally mop my half of the floor.

The other day I had the time so that's what I did. Then because I was so happy to see a clean floor I took a picture.

Believe it or not, the dirty half is how dirty it actually was when I first walked in in the morning. I would be totally embarrassed to say I did that.


Ginny Hartzler said...

WOW, what a difference!! The person obviously did NOT mop, and should at least be given a warning, or even fired. How come no one notices this, did you bring it to the attention of your boss..It is unacceptable in place that prepares food. YES! I have noticed that people do not care about doing really good work anymore. It is rare to find someone who does. This is not the way it was many years ago. And I don't know why.

Duni said...

I once worked in an office that was beyond filthy. I, too, need to work in a clean environment. I hope your colleagues appreciate the clean floor!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a difference, I am with Ginny, could you tell the big boss? I see what you are talking about every single day when we go to the YMCA.. there are days everything is what is should be, because the people who worked the day before did their job, then it will be a horror because they did not... it puts all the work on the good workers and the bad ones get paid the same as the good. there is no answer to this problem .

Marg said...

That truly is a huge difference. It is really nice to have a clean floor. Good for you for doing that. You have a great weekend.

Christine said...

Seems as if no one wants to take responsibilities seriously and we're talking managers here - they should be aware of this and take up the matter with staff. Your half looks like a mirror, so shiny and clean!

Out on the prairie said...

in a prep area that isn't very nice, can't believe mgmt doesn't catch it

Sandee said...

You did a great job. I already knew you take great care in your work. It's shown many times over the years.

Have a fabulous day my friend. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

troutbirder said...

It's all about pride in our work. Obviously you have it...:)

Lin said...

Well, good for you. I like that you continue on your way, doing things they way they should be done regardless of the pigs around you. I do the same. Do they mock you for cleaning too? That's what I get. :( I hate work. I hate co-workers. I think you and I could work well together. :)

Grace said...

Dirty floor - health code violation. What the hell is wrong with management in your store? I still fume over management's answer to your incompetent co-worker - change YOUR schedule. Eh....

BeadedTail said...

Ewwww! Whoever supposedly mopped that floor needs to learn how to mop with clean water! Might want to bring in the big boss because that's unacceptable in a food prep area.

Deb said...

Unfortunately pride in a job well done doesn't seem to be a priority these days 😔 If I were you I'd show management that picture because someone needs to take a remedial course in floor mopping (and it ain't you!) Deb xo

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