Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Sometimes change can be hard. It can also be good and often times necessary. For example it was necessary yesterday morning to change from my pajamas to my work clothes. While necessary it wasn't at all pleasant. Not only did I not want to get up and get dressed but the pilot light had gone out in the furnace over night and it was rather chilly. Wade asked me how I knew and I told him the first clue was the cold air that was blowing out of the registers. All is good now because the pilot light has been relit and wonderfully warm air is keeping me nice and toasty.

There was a change on Monday as well that was over due. I still had this cute snowman along with some other winter related decorations sitting on my dining room table

Just because the weather refuses to give up on winter doesn't mean I have to go along with it. It was time to change to something else. With the help of a few dollar store items my table is now dressed for St. Patrick's Day. This will hold me over until I pull out some Easter things.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I LOVE it! I used to decorate for St. Patricks Day, but it is so close to Easter, so now I just decorate for Easter.

handmade by amalia said...

This post made me laugh, Ann. But getting out of a warm bed into a cold room is not the right way to begin the day, I'm with you there.

Duni said...

It's been cold and rainy for days over here. I don't feel like going out at all, but I must! Cute snowman :)

Anonymous said...

I remember a few years back waking up and realizing my cat was sleeping with her body wrapped around the top of my head! Turns out the heat had gone off during the night and she was soaking up my warmth! We saw a neighbor with the large, inflatable yard decor in St. Patrick's designs yesterday. I don't have any SP decorations out yet.

crafty cat corner said...

Lovely new display. St Patricks day always reminds me of my Grandson when he lived here, coming in with a great bit felt hat on blind drunk, glad to say he has improved since then. lol

Christine said...

Yes change is in the air and winter must relent for spring!
I really liked your snowman - but not the snow!

Marg said...

We sure like the new decoration. That is very pretty and should keep everything very cheery.

Out on the prairie said...

Some days I stay in jammies until noon. There is always comfort in them, until someone stops by and sees what I wear to bed

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it looks beautiful, are those real flowers? I love them which ever they are.. maybe I should change and do some decoration since it is something I don't do. change is good and change is hard and I am always dragged into something new, but then find I like it

Sandee said...

I don't like being cold. I'm glad you have that pilot light working again.

I'm so ready for spring. We're supposed to have some warm weather this weekend. I'm ready for that and the cruise down the river too.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

adorable snowman. I take it you have a gas furnace, isn't it dangerous if the pilot light goes out - gas fumes etc. I hope you have carbon monoxide detectors as well as smoke detectors. I worry about these things...

Reeni said...

It's cold here too and they say snow is coming! :)

Hootin Anni said...

Ewwww, that's why I like electric pilot light to hassle with.

Love the ST. PATS day decor.

Marie said...

I'm still slowly cleaning and packing. And I'm bringing out spring things. :) love springtime!

Lin said...

I packed up my snowman that was in my cloche on the kitchen table. I moved towards spring...but now I hear we may have a snow on Monday. Ugh.

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