Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Gray day

That's the kind of day it was. The sky looked like this all day long

I had to drop my vehicle off in the morning for it's annual state inspection. I have it done at a garage a few blocks away from home. I dropped it off, walked home and contemplated how to spend the day. I found that coffee and computer time was the perfect way to begin.

Then I procrastinated a bit about repricing all my craft sale items. That is coming up real soon. August 5th and 6th to be exact. Any way, I'm lowering all the prices since this is likely the last craft show I will do for a while and I want to get rid of as much as possible. Once I got started I managed to get it all done, repacked and ready to go.

After that was done I walked back down the street to pick my ride back up. I'm all legal for another year now. Back home again, I decided I would paint some rocks. It's gotten quite popular to paint rocks and hide them for people to find. When you find one you post it to a facebook page and then you can keep the rock or rehide it for someone else to find. Some I've seen are quite elaborate. Mine are pretty simple and on the small side but they were the best rocks I could find for now.

And that was my day.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Yours are lovely! Will you hide them? Our weather looked like this today, too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the flower rock and the you rock rock.. glad you are once again 'legal' Heh Heh Heh

Out on the prairie said...

Seen lots of the rocks, fun to share

Sandee said...

My new car went in yesterday, but for some kind of coating to protect her from boo boos. I won't get her back until Wednesday evening or sometime Thursday.

Love the rocks. You remember my pet rock stuff, so you know I love rocks.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Duni said...

I love how that green rock resembles a heart! Good for you for getting your craft items organized :)

Grace said...

Now see, If I found one of those I would keep it because they are so pretty.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like a productive day!

Hootin Anni said...

I like those artful stones....I found one once as I was walking along a trail...it had a biblical quote from the book Proverbs.

You're not going to do a craft show any longer? How come?

Pam said...

Yes...ours are known as 615 Rocks. Using our area code. Is that how rocks are dropped in your area? I love doing my rocks. If big enough they are so cool to just paint and put in your garden. Plus, I like I have posted before in my blog, I pick up nice ones when I travel, paint them of where I was when I got the rock and seal it...putting it in my garden so I can look at them and remember where I traveled.

Marg said...

Those are great rocks. We like that idea. We should paint some rocks. Have a great evening.

Rick (Ratty) said...

I like the Be Happy rock. It looks kind of Irish, like me.

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