Thursday, March 22, 2018

A pocket full of sunshine

I made this last year from a pocket off an old pair of jeans. I never did anything with it but it made for a good picture to use for a blog post.

I'm not real crazy about the sound of the song but I like the lyrics


Duni said...

That is the cutest! I still have an old jean pocket somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann, That pocket is adorable. It would be cute on a bulletin board with a photo sticking out. I hear this song when I am in stores but had never known what the lyrics are.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the words are great and the beat is perfect for exercise, i added it to my YouTube exercise page... this beat is good for boxing like Rocky.. the pocket is really cute.

Sharkbytes said...

The pocket is cute. We had a message board where every family member had a jean pocket. All boys here, so they were plain, but that would be really cute for (and appreciated more by) girls.

Pam said...

I love could put a phone in there and plug the phone in to charge, you will need to put a loop made out of jeans on it to hang on the plug part. Be cute.

Grace said...

A lot of work - just because. Nice. That song is tough to listen to but thanks for reminding me about Natasha Bedingfield, I love her song 'Unwritten" and somehow it had fallen off my favorites list. So thanks for that reminder!

Sandee said...

I like the lyrics too. The tune is okay.

Have a day filled with all things good. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Kate said...

This is a beauty and such a lovely idea, Ann!!

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