Friday, March 23, 2018

To help the effort.

Wednesday was my birthday. It was just another ordinary day. There was nothing special about it.  Any more I find them rather depressing. There was, however, a certain wonderful blog pal who sent me a box of chocolates.
Yesterday I went to work and the deli manager and another girl in the deli, (both were off on Wednesday) brought me a gift. I had been talking about wanting to get my craft room organized so they got me this,

It had 44 little drawers so I can organize all my stuff. Maybe once I fill it  I won't spend all my time searching for things. I included the box because it was hand decorated by Jess's daughters. Oh, and I got artwork too. Love the green tail on that cute little pup. I think I might frame this


Grace said...

Ahh, I love things with drawers (and baskets too but that's something else altogether). If you've got lots of little stuffs that looks like a great way to keep them tidy and handy. So sweet that the kids had a hand in making you happy!

Anonymous said...

Belated birthday wishes. What a thoughtful and useful gift and the green-tailed dog card is priceless.

crafty cat corner said...

If Tom saw this post he would laugh. I am always going on about drawers, any kind big or small, they hold a fascination for me, don't know why, so you can understand if I'm slightly jealous of yours. LOL

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is the perfect gift and proves they LISTEN to you... adorable dog pic to and they did a great job decorating the box... i love practical gifts best of all.

Marg said...

Those little drawers look terrific. Like the drawing too. Looks like a good birthday. Now have a great week end.

Out on the prairie said...

the art work is precious. Nice gift, i use a few drawers for batteries. A belated birthday, we should have went out.

Sandee said...

What a lovely and thoughtful birthday gift. I hope it works for you too. I'm sure it will.

I'm not big on birthdays either. It's just another year older.

Have a fabulous day and weekend. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

Chocolates and a crafty organizer in a handmade box sounds like a perfect birthday to me! Hope you have a great weekend!

Pam said...

That was so sweet of them. You always need little spaces like that for that little stuff that tends to get lost a lot of the time. .Happy blated bday!

Rick (Ratty) said...

I recently bought a case just like yours, except mine only has the bigger drawers. Mine has been very useful so far.

bichonpawz said...

Happy Birthday Ann! Chocolates are always a great idea! The organizer will come in very handy! I have quite a few of those in my, if I could just remember which drawer I put what in!����

bichonpawz said...

Forgot to mention! The green tail is PRICELESS! Definitely a keeper!

Sharkbytes said...

Nice! Those drawer boxes are great.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Two wonderful gifts!

Reeni said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I love the organizer!! I could use one of them or five. :)

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