Thursday, July 12, 2018

no sparkles

No whining  today but no sparkles either. I wasn't even sure what to post today. I begged and pleaded with Gibbs to hold still for a picture. Mostly he rolled over on his back and tried to hide but I did get just one that was good enough.
I didn't even attempt to fix it since that would have required going upstairs to the computer.


bichonpawz said...

Gibbs sure is looking super cute! It's a great pic! My three have been just awful about posting lately...every time I pull out my phone...they run!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Gibbs is adorable!

I've not felt very sparkly for writing a post and it's been almost a month since my last one. I think about it but just don't have the ooomph to get it done and posted. Summer's heat and humidity and missing my husband take a toll on how I feel, so I quietly hibernate. I get physically drained working outside, and try to be back in by 10.

Love, hugs & prayers for you dear Ann ~ FlowerLady

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Gibbs is giving you The Eye, which is what I get when I aim the camera at Jake. some dogs love it some don't.... a post is a post is a post...hugs

Lin said...

I love that look on his face. He's like..."okayyyyyy???" Look for the little sparkles in your day: Was that a Monarch butterfly that just went past? Are the lightening bugs out? Oooh, what is that bird I hear singing?

Sometimes you have to enjoy the little sparkles.

Silver in AZ said...

so cute! But that's kind of a stink eye he's giving you. LOL

Sandee said...

Anytime there is a picture of Gibbs it's a good day for the rest of us. He's a handsome man dog.

Have a woof woof day, Gibbs. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

Ginny Hartzler said...

I like the picture just the way it is! Gibbs looks so suspicious of the camera, it is so cute!!

Grace said...

If ever there was a look of trepidation - that's it LOL

Ann Thompson said...

Gibbs has never liked having a camera pointed at him

Ann Thompson said...

Blogging is a therapeutic thing for me. It keeps me from sitting and staring off into space and hiding from the world. It's why I push myself to post so much

Ann Thompson said...

Yeah the look does at that. I agree there are sparkles out there, just have to watch for them

Ann Thompson said...

He's good at stink eye lol

Ann Thompson said...

He really does hate the camera

Ann Thompson said...

I wish he was more like Duke was with the camera

Ann Thompson said...

That's for sure

Out on the prairie said...

Get back over here Gibbs, can't believe you are camera shy.Some dogs don't like to be stared at, try it on him .Cameras seem to be the same, especially shooting birds.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hey, your doing your posts everyday and that's something to be proud of. Gibbs looks cute! Skye never wants to look at me either.

Duni said...

Hello Gibbs :) I've been trying to get a picture of Leo, but he won't hold still, not even a second!

Sharkbytes said...

Gibbs is funny! I wondered why you haven't showed many pictures of him. Chips would just pose... like he knew what the camera was. Some dogs hate looking at a camera.

Ann Thompson said...

Well aside from him not liking the camera he's been looking pretty scraggly too.

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