Sunday, July 1, 2018

too hot to handle

Saturday was just way too hot. At one point I saw 94 with a real feel of 104. The only AC in the house is a small window unit that Wade bought for the man cave. Needless to say Gibbs and I spent the majority of the day in the cave. It was too hot to sit in my computer room to do a post so my tablet had to handle the job. All I have for pictures is what is in the archives.
 I guess I shouldn't complain about the weather because it won't be long before it looks like this again


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so beautiful in the snow but I know you don't want it... yowsa on the heat and no ac.. glad you have a place to go... could you get someone to move the ac up to your room? a room upstairs?

Grace said...

Yeah, might be time to move that a/c unit upstairs to where it will be useful to YOU. I fear it will be an ugly, ugly Summer. So perhaps your craft room which is where you spend most of your time? (I know that no matter how hot and humid it gets I can sleep fairly well with just a fan - I say that 'cause most people would say put it in your bedroom - but you know what works best for you.)

Pam said...

NO AIR! Oh my gosh mine has been going since March. I could not live without it. It was a feels like over 100 here yesterday also. I stayed in and played a little....who am I kidding, I surfed the internet and watched TV! The heat, even if not directly in it zaps me so bad. The kids and I are on the deck right now but I have the fans on me. In a bit I will have to move this party inside. Lily was not happy yesterday cause I made her come in for several hours in the worst of the heat. She kept going to the back door and wanting out....Take care and stay cool.

Pam said...

oops....meant to add that right now at 9:30 AM it is 86 with a high of 91 today. That does not include the humidity which is what does me in. But in a few days I will be able to enjoy the weather in Calif. It is 63 right now with a high of 74! My gosh...that sounds amazing to me.

Sandee said...

We were at 102° yesterday and that was hot enough. We have central air though so it was nice inside. I can't imagine not having an air conditioner.

I hope today is cooler for you.

Have a fabulous day, my friend. Big hugs to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Ann said...

It's actually easier to leave it in the basement window. I can always take stuff down there to work on plus with the couch there I can sleep there too if it gets too hot in the rest of the house.

Ann said...

I've never really cared much for AC but the older I get the less I can tolerate the humidity so when it gets that bad I do appreciate the air. I hate to run it too much though because I just see the electric bill running up and up and up

Ann said...

Centeral air would be nice. I never used to mind this weather too much but the older I get the less I seem to be able to take the humidity or the stifling heat. 102 is way too hot

BeadedTail said...

It's been in the 70s and low 80s here but we still have the air on so it stays 75 or less in the house. Thankfully we don't have high humidity so the feels like is whatever the temp is. We didn't have a/c when we moved here 15 years ago so we spent a lot of time downstairs where it's cooler. Eventually it became unbearable where Sadie couldn't take it and we couldn't sleep because of the heat so we got a heat pump. Sounds odd but it actually keeps us cool in the summer and warm in the winter at better efficiency than an a/c and furnace.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Oh dear Ann ~ I don't see how you can live without a.c. I have one window unit in the kitchen's east wall, which blows into the living room and down the hall to the bedroom. Of course, my little place is tiny compared to most homes these days, 675 sq. ft. I do turn it off when I'm going to be gone for lengths of time, and turn it back on when I get home. I turn it and the computer off during thunder storms also.

You might look into those ductless mini split ac units. If I can ever afford it, that's what I'd like to get next. I had to get a new window unit last year and bought a Freidrich unit, the Cadillac of window units. We had had them in the past and they last a long time. Then when my DH left this planet, I bought a different one but it only lasted about 3 1/2 years. I did more googling on the Freidrich ac units and bought a larger BTU and it works wonderfully in here. The great thing about a central air unit or one of these mini-splits is how 'quiet' they are. But, on a limited budget, and living where it's hot and humid most of the year, a window unit is better than nothing.

Change the man cave into your she cave, a 'cool' place for you to hang out.

Love, hugs & continued prayers for you dear heart ~ FlowerLady

Out on the prairie said...

I was a bit cold with the AC on, but don't have the control

Duni said...

We've had some really hot days in the last few days as well. But usually our area is quite rainy, so I'm sure it will cool off again. Don't remind of snow. haha :D

Sharkbytes said...

We just have two fans and the last two days were awful. Fortunately, there aren't usually too many days like this, here.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You don't have central air? Oh my, glad you had the cave to go to. We are supposed to be 112 on Friday. It will feel very hot but not much humidity.

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