Tuesday, June 8, 2021

On the ledge

 There is a ledge on 2 of the walls in the room formerly known as the man cave. That's where Wade kept all the various wildlife figures he had as well as some pictures of his kids and grandkids. I took a few things off and rearranged the rest to where I liked it. Here are a couple of collages of the different pieces that are sitting on the ledge.

Most of these were all pieces I purchased for him either for his birthday, Christmas or just because gifts.

Yesterday Jeanette asked if my house was a tri lever or a quad level. For some reason that comment didn't come through my email like it usually does so I'll answer it here. This is a tri level. I actually had no idea what a quad level was and had to look it up. 

On another note, yesterday I spent a very leisurely day off. I did some reading and I managed to get a weeks worth of posts written and scheduled. I always like when I'm able to do that.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Does tri level mean it is two floors, and a basement? I think my favorite here is the little mouse in the tree trunk. Are you going to replace them with your crafts and other things?

Hootin Anni said...

Awesome! I really like the eagle with mama bear & cub.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like all the bears.. and the wooden tree, are these the ones you kept ? i am thinking we will see what you left coming soon... i am enjying wathcing you create your Ann Cave or Ann's Space. trying to think of a name. good for you taking the day off to enjoy your new space. just had a thought Ann's Place.

Kate said...

These are beautiful pieces, Ann. Good on you for having a leisurely day off and accomplishing so much - it's satisfying isn't it.

Martha said...

You have some really nice pieces there. Enjoy your Ann cave. I'm so glad you had a nice leisurely day off too. :)

Sandee said...

Very nice pieces. I know Wade loved his wildlife.

I'm glad you had a great day off yesterday and got a weeks worth the posts done. Always a good feeling.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Hootin Anni said...

Womb Room
The Hen House
Diva Den?!?!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad you are making that room yous now, and that you had a leisurely day on your day off.

The Feminine Energy said...

I'm glad you had a leisurely day off, Ann. I hope it made you feel recharged for the rest of the week. ~Andrea xoxoxo

Jeanette said...

Yes, I thought it may be a tri level as it looked a lot like my son's old house. My daughter has a quad which has a actual unfinished basement where her washer and dryer is. I love those figurines. I have a whole collection of mother and baby figurines that would look good on a shelf like that!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go on what you accomplished on your day off. I love the collection Wade had. They are lovely pieces.

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