Sunday, August 22, 2021

That's the way the cookie crumbles

I had another one of those days where I came home from work, and as soon as I sat down I was done for. Friday I had only planned on sitting for a few minutes and then I was going to start in on the to do list I had. I may have been ok had I not turned on the tv and then closed my eyes for just a second. Before I knew it, it was dinner time. Another little after dinner nap and then it was bedtime. There was no post yesterday but I didn't really have anything to write about any way

Today I still don't have anything to write about but for a different reason. Rather than spending all day Saturday napping, I spent the day cleaning. I finally had some energy so I tackled several of the items on my to do list. It was nice at the end of the day to sit down in a nice clean house. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

I think it is good to wait till you feel like doing it.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad you got some much-needed rest. And that when you did some housework it was because you felt like it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Good job on the cleaning spree, that will hold you for a while. when your body needs rest it tells you and you listened. missing a post will not harm anyone as I am finding out. unlike you i have 8 posts in drafts on both blogs and skipped and skipped them and i could write another 5 if my mind worked. I just can't get back in the groove

Jeanette said...

Always nice to enjoy a clean house! Definitely worth the energy expended.

Forsythia said...

"A clean house is a joy forever." Don't we wish it would stay that way?

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Naps are VIP IMHO - right now I'm not in the mood either for crafts - the household chores, I've always done by "bit-piece" and they are uptodate for this week. Why? because New Zealand just tumbled into Delta and that has meant our most severe lockdown is in place.

Rose said...

I could sleep my life away now...I thinking is a form of escape.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hooray for tackling your to do list!

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