Sunday, October 27, 2024

A new routine

 If you follow me on Facebook you may have seen my post that read "Breathe in, breathe out, repeat. I can do this."

Well we have a new manager at work. She's nice, knowledgeable and has plans that aren't open much for discussion. Basically she is working on increasing the parts of the store that are doing well and trying to find new ways of bringing people in. 

One of the plans involves increasing the number of donuts that we fry every day. I don't object to that but although it doesn't seem like it would strenuous, lifting all those racks in and out of the fryer is tough on my back. Then on top of it I have to do a daily breakout of product for the next day and it involves lifting a lot of heavy boxes. She is sympathetic to this problem at least and has made some changes that will help ease the added strain.

She wanted to me to advertise on our Facebook page that we increased the donuts. I put these pictures up.

She also wanted something that would be a bit Halloweenish. Her idea was to make these donuts with orange cream inside instead of the white. I wasn't thrilled with the idea so I devised a plan. Rather than tell her what I thought would work better, I showed her. I did one donut the way she wanted and another the way I would prefer to do them. Visuals worked because she liked my idea better and I'm just drizzling some orange frosting on the top of these.

These are our glazed croissant donuts. A customer commented that "These are what dreams are made of."


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh MY, these all look so good! and I bet it smells so good when you bake them. It is good that she is open minded to your ideas! So is the son gone? Or she just comes in to manage for him?

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m glad she’s a reasonable person, but I hope you don’t hurt your back. Please take care.

Barwitzki said...

Dear Ann, I really want to eat a Donat now :-)) Today is Sunday, my husband bought rolls at the bakery that is open until 10 a.m.... but I don't think there would have been any Donats anyway.
This is how I put my cranberry jam on the bun :-)))
You did a great job setting a visual example for your boss. Super!
Happy Sunday and best regards to you.

MadSnapper said...

are you posting on your page? if so the public doesn't see them, these would bring in a lot of people to shop and need to be on a Store Page open to the public.. yes, I am a know it all. ha ha... I like the orange drizzle, perfect

Rose said...

I like your idea...better still. I want one of those last ones! I bet I could eat at least two and I dont think I have ever eaten two at the same time!

Be careful with your back...

Shug said...

and now I need a donut or 2. These look so good! What a great idea in showing her the difference. I am a visual learner and this is exactly what I would have wanted to have seen. they look great! Hope the work load loosens up for you. Happy Sunday...

My Mind's Eye said...

Ann would I be correct in 'assuming' the new manager is a young whippersnapper? At least she 'listened' about the lifting.
Woohoo sometimes showing an idea is better than saying it.
I love the orange drizzle. I bet it is much easier to drizzle across the pan than put the orange inside.
I agree with the customer on the last tray
Hugs cecilia

Jeanette said...

Sounds like she's a reasonable manager. You were smart to show her the difference! Those donuts look so good!

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