Friday, March 21, 2025

A crafting project of a different kind

 I saw this idea on Facebook and actually posted it on Pam's wall because she has made jewelry holders in the past and I thought this was a pretty cool idea.

Because I don't have an actual jewelry box and rely on several various containers to hold what I have I thought I would give it a try.

All you need are a Dollar tree paper towel holder

Fabric of your choice and a pool noodle. I chose this blue velvety type fabric that I found at Dollar Tree. One fat quarter is plenty to do this project.

You cut two pieces off the pool noodle. I think I cut them to 12". Then you are going to cover the noodles pieces with the fabric securing it with hot glue. Then you cute slits in the pool noodle to slide it down the paper towel holder. And then you have a handy dandy piece to hand your necklaces from.

The video I watched glued the fabric over the ends of the pool noodle but I found it easier and cleaner looking to tuck the excess fabric in the hole one each end of the noodle.


CheerfulMonk said...

That's a great idea!

DeniseinVA said...

Very clever idea!

Donna said...

What a cute idea!!
Happy Birthday Miss Ann!!! Go have some fun!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

cool! great idea. I had no idea its your birthday until I saw Donnas comment . I am using all FB birthdays because I had to turn off notifications from FB because the dinging makes bob crazy. every and any noise my phone makes he gets upset.

jabblog said...

Happy birthday - have a good day!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I didn't scroll to the end till I finished reading, and I could not imagine what it would look like. What a surprise! This is lovely, and so easy!!

The Happy Whisk said...

I don't do The Book of Faces however see in the comments about your Birthday. Happy Happy Day to You. Love the fabric hack. So many fun things to create. I love it.

Rita said...

Happy birthday!
Clever idea! Would go unused here as I haven't worn jewelry...well, since I became housebound really...two decades ago.

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy 16th Bday Ann... (:-)!!!!! !!!
What a creative idea for jewelry right at your finger tips no need to hunting
Hugs Cecilia

photowannabe said...

Clever and easy peasy...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Now that's a really great idea! I like it.

Shug said...

First of all....Happy Birthday!! Hope you are having a fabulous day! this is a really neat idea and doesn't cost a lot...Thanks for sharing.

Jackie said...

What a good idea! I might have to give this a try. I just had our bathroom cabinets painted and found a bunch of missing jewelry while cleaning out the drawers. This would be a fun way to display it on the counter. Thanks for sharing!

HappyK said...

Isn't that a good idea!!

Chatty Crone said...


Rose said...

That is a great idea...

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