the lantern calls out to me, as does the coffee cup, I might try those two in procreate.. they are all cute and keep it up because I am drawing a blank on what to try next
I would love to kiss either of you and that lion. I did have a thought, he might let her kiss him but change his mind when I did it.. once I was petting a llama at a park,, and my friend Lola said oh how sweet and petted him too, our other friend Barbara walked over and put her hand out to pet him and he bit her...
ANN you have magical fingers and such a creative artistic mind. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be the lantern I love the saying. OMDs the porcupine is adorable. Shucks thankful I don't have to pick a favorite Hugs Cecilia
That coffee pot makes me laugh. 😊
The coffee pot really made me laugh. I love the pop-art style of the flowers!!
Love them all but adore the innocent little
Happy First Day of Spring!
the lantern calls out to me, as does the coffee cup, I might try those two in procreate.. they are all cute and keep it up because I am drawing a blank on what to try next
I would love to kiss either of you and that lion. I did have a thought, he might let her kiss him but change his mind when I did it.. once I was petting a llama at a park,, and my friend Lola said oh how sweet and petted him too, our other friend Barbara walked over and put her hand out to pet him and he bit her...
These are great! That hedgehog 🦔. Such a cutie but I love them all.
getting to that year mark of weekly drawings..
I can't believe its been almost a year. It seems like you just started doing these. I love the coffee pot. Too cute.
'Be a light for all to see' - what good advice!
Good morning Ann....LOL, I love the coffee made me smile. all of these are so good.
You have quite the collection, then! They are so good!
ANN you have magical fingers and such a creative artistic mind.
If I had to pick a favorite, it would be the lantern I love the saying.
OMDs the porcupine is adorable. Shucks thankful I don't have to pick a favorite
Hugs Cecilia
I'll join the coffee pot bandwagon - my first smile of the day!
Like them all but had to chuckle at the I am sipping mine this morning--ahh! ;)
Feels like spring with all the pretty flowers. My favorite is the porcupine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The little hedgehog is so cute.
Love the tulips
I love me some purple trees. Too cute.
All so cute! I really enjoyed the porcupine.
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