Thursday, March 6, 2025

Girls night and the Walmart interview

 As it got closer to the time to leave I really did not want to go. Once I got there I was fine but I didn't stay real late. I hate driving at night and I'm not much of a night owl. I left around 9:30. I only got one picture the whole night and it doesn't even have everyone in it.

Friday was my interview at Walmart. It went well but I did let them know about the new owners at the store and wanting to go there because of distance but that I didn't want to burn any bridges with them. There were 3 people in my interview and they went out in the hall to talk about me. When they came back they said they would love to have me but understood my situation. They are keeping my application open in case I decide to go with them. The cons of this job are that it's 10 miles as opposed to a half mile. It starts at $1 less than what I was making before. The hours are 10:00am - 7:00pm.  The pros are that it's a much more stable business and they do offer lots of benefits to their employees. 

I'm really struggling with making a decision on this.

After my interview was over I picked up a few items that I needed and went through the checkout. I put my stuff in the car and headed home. When I got out of the car at home I realized my purse was NOT in the car. My purse contained my money, ID, credit cards, and phone. I raced back to the store and when I pulled up to the cart corral where I had been parked before it was empty. I rushed inside and headed to the customer service desk. As I rounded the corner the girl standing there smiled and asked if I was looking for my purse. Needless to say I thanked God the entire way home.


CheerfulMonk said...

That was so scary! That speaks well for Walmart. I'm glad you had the interview just in case.

Donna said...

Maybe God was telling you something about working there? lol
I don't know but I'm SO happy there are honest people working there! You just have a lot on your mind right now...
Big hug

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you may be suffering from my disease of OVERTHINKING and driving myself crazy trying to make a decision on anything. this is a really life changing decision, so overthinking is a good thing.. do any of the people you met have a job yet?

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