Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Highlights (or lowlights) from last week.

 This will be a bit of a hod podge of miscellaneous things that happened last week. Or maybe ideas for blog posts that jumped into my head last week. 

The weather last week was absolutely gorgeous. I was able to get outside and enjoy it a bit. Monday I decided I was finally going to vacuum out my car. It was a total mess and desperately needed it. I should have washed it too but wasn't feeling that ambitious.

Tuesday I traveled to Conneaut Ohio. A friend of mine works in a grocery store there and she told me I could stop by and fill out an application to fulfill my weekly obligations to unemployment.

Friday the temps almost reached 80. It was a bit of heaven. I even went out and did a little yard work.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday there were surveyors out behind my house. I was curious about what they were doing so I posted the question on Facebook to see if anyone knew. Excuse the bad picture. It was taken through a very filthy basement window.

Any way, apparently the doctors office behind me is planning on putting a pharmacy in between their building and that black one you see in the picture. 

On a sad note, my light box bit the dust. I was taking pictures in it the one day and just as I was getting ready to unplug it the light went out in it. Apparently the wire that leads into the switch box came loose. I tried to open the switch box up to see if I could reconnect it but that was impossible so I gave up. Bummer.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wait...you filled out an application in Ohio?? I know I must have gotten this wrong, so I am an idiot.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

on no on the light box, if you have a goose neck could you put it in the light box hole where the bulb is, shine a flash light in the box? make do is my middle name. I did not realize you are so close to the OH line.. so that would be about the same drive as Walmart, right? glad you had some warm weather. ours is nuts we woke up hismorning to 59, and by 7 am will be 52 and by 2 pm will be 83... now we are swinging temps in a few hours. bright sun makes it ok

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