Sunday, June 12, 2011

All good things come to an end

Sunday evenings are always a bit sad. The weekend is over and it's back to work tomorrow. Why is it that those two days just seem to fly by?
My weekend isn't the only thing that didn't last long enough though
On June 4th I noticed that the peonies had bloomed, Not only are they beautiful but their scent is heavenly.

We had a pretty bad rain storm last week and by June 10th this is what my poor peonies looked like

So long my beauties. I'll see you again next year.


Sandee said...

Poor things. They sure were beautiful though. Very much so.

I so remember Sunday evenings and that feeling of another long week to work. I sure don't feel that way now that I've retired. Everyday is Saturday or Sunday.

Have a terrific evening. My best to my buddy Duke. :)

Sharkbytes said...

Huh- I guess my one peony didn't bloom at all this year. I forgot to feed it, which it seems to insist on.

Lin said...

Oh no! Why is the bloom time so short on those flowers? And their scent is so darn heavenly! Aahhhhh. I hope you brought in a few before they died off. I love how they smell in the house!

Antonella said...

Your peonies were so beautiful, it is actually sad to see the recent photos :-( big sigh!
Hugs, antonella :-)

Catherine said...

6:50 pm Sunday night.... whaaaaaaaa!!!!!

I think I will go for some ice cream and forget my sorrow.... :(

xo Catherine

Char said...

Mine were gone just as quickly, very pretty though while they last.

Sheryl Hastings said...

I was just thinking the same exact thing! I love my weekends and they fly by.

I LOVE your new topper! It's so perfect for summer.

Ginny Hartzler said...

It's always so sad to see the poor peonies dumped over in the rain. Yours are just gorgeous!! Well, they WERE gorgeous....

Julie Harward said...

I love peonies..I guess if they were with us all the time, we wouldn't long for them! ;D

tahtimbo said...

I know what you mean. Those two days just fly by.
That's a beautiful flower! We don't have anything that's blooming around here. Oh, did you get a new design for your site or am i just a bit slow? I like it!!!

Anonymous said...

OH NO! The peonies were sooo pretty and now I dont get to see them when I come home...damn rain!

Unknown said...

Peonies are one of the most fastest of all blooming flowers. Exotic and heady but gone in a flash. Not sure if you are aware but you can get peony trees or I should say tree peonies. They have been around for over 2000 years and come in many more colours than the standard peony varieties. They are hardy and tend to form in an exotic shrub. I used to have two but sadly lost both - I am now contemplating buying at least one new one for the garden ... can't make my mind up which colour to go for - there is a bright golden one that is oh so very tempting .... :)

BeadedTail said...

I have 4 day weekends and they fly by just as fast. *sigh* Your peonies were very pretty while they lasted. I wish they would bloom all summer long. I just love them!

Anonymous said...

Love peonies...they are so extravagant!

Chatty Crone said...

Hope you have a good day tomorrow at work.

The flowers - loved that little bit of cranberry like edging. Sorry they are gone. They will be back!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Yeah...why does the weekends go by so dang quick? Guess we need to be grateful for having them off.
Your peonies are beautiful. It is a shame that they were drowned.:(

marie said...

Those blooms are beautiful ~ they remind me of peppermint! I'm glad you got some photos before the storms hit.

Jen said...

Woo-Hoo look at you! I love the new look, it's terrific :o) My mom had Peonies in her garden in Pennsylvania when I was growing up. I always remember how beautiful they were when they opened.

Duni said...

oh my goodness - that is exactly what happened to ours! We had a rainstorm too. Too bad I didn't take any "before" photos :(

Barb said...

Weekend? What weekend?!

Hi! I saw Duke on Sandee's Awwww Monday and decided to come by to say hello to you and Duke!

I Love peonies, too. The look a lot like carnations, which is my favorite flower.

Unknown said...

Our pee-you-nies bloomed 3-4 weeks ago, and I was all too happy when our kitties made the ones that were brought into house look like that one in your last picture. Oh yeah, I really like the new look here!

Grampy said...

Your header is great. The flowers are also. Sorry about that rain. We had it here also.

Tanyia said...

Awww... they were beautiful, Ann! I love peonies. So sad they hardly last

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so beautiful, i did not know they had a smell to them. never seen them except in a vase at work once when someone got them for their birthday. here today and gone tomorrow but really pretty in between. i think the lizards are eating my caterpillars. woe is me

Out on the prairie said...

My 1st home i brought in huge bouquets only to find them full of ants. I still like to bring them in after a good shaking.

Dr Sonia S V said...

Such wonderful photography

Bossy Betty said...

Lovely pictures! That rain really did a job on them. They are such great flowers. I have many fond memories of picking them as a kid.

Donna said...

Oh no! They are SO Beautiful!
Don't you wish they'd bloom all year round?!!!

Tammy said...

The same happened to mine. I didn't even get a picture of them. Like your blogs new look. You are so creative.

Helen said...

I wanted this flowers when I first saw them but when I found out they didn't last long I'm o.k just looking at the neighbor's yard.

Joanne Olivieri said...

These are just simply gorgeous, Ann. Beautiful shots.

Donna said...

They were sure gorgeous while they lasted!

I do believe that time speeds up on the weekends, LOL...

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